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Xiaomi SU7 central control supports music and video projection: not limited to mobile phone brands.

Original title: Xiaomi SU7 central control supports music/video projection: not limited to mobile phone brand iPhone can also be used.

Fast Technology reported on April 18 that Xiaomi SU7 was very open from the beginning of design, which not only supported deep interconnection for Xiaomi mobile phones equipped with 澎湃 OS, but also enabled other brands to achieve linkage and circulation.

Xiaomi Auto said that SU7 provides rich music streaming functions for users of different mobile phone brands:

1. Xiaomi mobile phone users only need to select Xiaomi SU7 as the delivery device through the "Wonderful Broadcast" card in the control center;

2. Android users of other brands can share through the device delivery function of QQ music;

3. iPhone users can project music from their mobile phones to the car through the system audio projection function.

Not only can music be shared, but there is no problem with video content.

Just like the operation of mobile phone video projection to TV at home, through the screen projection function of the three-party video software,Any brand of mobile phone can easily share video to the central control big screen of Xiaomi SU7.

Xiaomi SU7 central control supports music/video projection: not limited to mobile phone brand iPhone can also be used.

Drink to warm up? Lick your lips and moisturize? What should I pay attention to in winter health care?

  The weather is cold, and some people like to drink some wine to warm themselves up in order to keep out the cold. Is this true? Some people like to eat something delicious to make up for it. Is this right? Some people even stay at home when they don’t need it. Is this good for their health? Here are some common sense about winter for you to know.

  Don’t step on the four misunderstandings of winter health preservation

  Licking lips can moisturize? It will get drier and drier.

  When the air is dry in cold, people’s lips are prone to chapping, causing discomfort, pain and bleeding. Many people like to lick their lips with their tongues, thinking that they can be moist and comfortable, but the result is just the opposite. Because saliva is secreted by salivary glands, it contains amylase and other substances, which are relatively thick, and it is like rubbing a layer of paste on your lips. When the water evaporates, the lips will be drier and more prone to peeling. If the lips are dry and uncomfortable, you can apply some lip balm without pigment and fragrance.

  The more clothes you wear, the warmer you get? The view is too one-sided

  In winter, some people are full of clothes, thinking that the more they wear, the warmer they will be. This view is one-sided, because the warmth of clothes is related to the thickness of air layer in clothes. When clothes are put on, the thickness of air layer increases, and the warmth retention also increases. However, when the total thickness of the air layer exceeds 15 mm, the air convection in the clothes increases obviously, but the warmth retention decreases. Physiologically speaking, if people wear too much clothes, their skin blood vessels will expand due to high heat, which will increase heat dissipation and reduce the adaptability of the body to external temperature changes.

  Drinking white wine can keep out the cold? It may be colder.

  Many people think that drinking white wine in winter can help people resist the cold. The reality is that people’s feeling of being warm after drinking is short-lived. The heat in the human body is produced by the chemical reaction of protein, fat, carbohydrate and other substances in the body during muscle exercise. The main components of wine are water and alcohol, which do not produce much heat. On the contrary, stimulated by alcohol, blood vessels can’t contract in time to prevent blood from transferring heat to the outside, and people will feel colder after a lot of body heat is lost.

  Sleeping with your head covered is the most comfortable? It’s comfortable to make a micro-airflow in the bed

  On a cold night, many people like to sleep with quilts. This is neither hygienic nor comfortable. When you sleep with your head covered, in addition to the difficulty in breathing and dizziness caused by lack of oxygen, a large amount of water vapor exhaled from your mouth also increases the humidity in the bed sharply, and the good microclimate in the bed is quickly destroyed, making your whole body uncomfortable.

  Medical meteorologists have found that the most comfortable bed microclimate requires a micro-airflow of 0.2 meters per second. Such a small wind speed has almost no blowing feeling on the human body, so it is difficult to adjust it. Generally speaking, as long as the quilt is not wrapped in a "cylindrical shape" when sleeping, there is a certain space between the quilt and the body, and 1 ~ 2 small gaps are left between the cushion quilt and the cover quilt below the shoulders, the standard of "micro-airflow" that makes the human body comfortable can basically be achieved.

  Health in winter, tonic should nourish the lungs, moisten the dryness and balance the nutrition.

  In winter, many people will choose to eat a lot of warm tonic food to resist the cold winter. Experts remind not to blindly supplement foods that are easy to get angry, such as hot pot, beef and mutton, because the temperature drops. Therefore, the "winter tonic" should be based on the actual situation of different people to choose clear tonic, warm tonic, small tonic, big tonic, not blindly "tonic." There is a saying in Neijing that "nourishing yin in autumn and winter", so it is most important to nourish yin and tonify yang. It is best to eat more nourishing foods such as Chinese cabbage, tremella, glutinous rice, mutton, pears and kiwifruit, but with reasonable collocation and balanced nutrition.

  Dietary Matching: No less than one grain pulp.

  Grain and cereal: Drinking hot porridge in winter is a good choice for health. For example, sesame porridge can benefit essence and nourish yin, radish porridge can help digestion and eliminate phlegm, walnut porridge can nourish yin and solidify essence, Poria porridge can strengthen spleen and nourish stomach, and jujube porridge can benefit qi and nourish yin.

  1. Jujube sesame porridge: Jujube sesame porridge is made of jujube and sesame. In winter, it can not only help pregnant women to supplement iron, but also help the elderly to digest and enrich women’s blood.

  2. Laba porridge: In some places in the north, there is a habit of boiling Laba porridge in winter. Traditional Laba porridge uses yellow rice, white rice, glutinous rice, millet, water chestnut rice, chestnuts, red cowpeas, red dates, etc., which are rich in grains and nutrients, which helps to increase calories and nutrition.

  3. Xiaomi Mairen porridge: It is cold in winter, and many friends with stomach problems will feel very uncomfortable. It is good to drink Xiaomi Mairen porridge. Millet can nourish the stomach, and wheat kernel is rich in plant protein, minerals and so on, which is of great benefit to tonic in winter.

  Vegetables: While warming up in winter, we should also eat more vegetables to relieve boredom and dryness, so as to achieve the effect of nourishing yin.

  1. Celery: Celery is not only rich in iron ions, but also has the effects of lowering blood pressure and clearing blood lipids. Chinese medicine believes that it is cool, sweet and nontoxic, and can promote appetite, and has the functions of eliminating phlegm and lowering blood pressure.

  2. Radish: As the saying goes, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer" and "eat radish in winter and compete with ginseng". In traditional winter health preservation, it is best to eat foods that conform to the season, and winter is a good time to eat radishes, which has good effects of clearing away heat and promoting fluid production, stimulating appetite and strengthening spleen, and smoothing qi and resolving phlegm.

  3. Cabbage: As the saying goes, "A hundred dishes are not as good as cabbage" and "Cabbage tofu keeps you safe". When the weather is dry in winter, eating more cabbage has the functions of nourishing yin, moistening dryness and caring skin. Chinese cabbage is warm and sweet, enters the spleen and stomach meridian, and has the functions of warming stomach, benefiting qi, expelling cold and preventing wind. It can improve epigastric cold pain, abdominal fear of cold, abdominal pain and poor defecation. Don’t throw it away just because the taste of cabbage is not as good as that of cabbage. In fact, it has high nutritional value, and stir-frying or stuffing is good.

  4. Onion: Onion is pungent and warm, and has the functions of sweating and relieving exterior syndrome, warming the middle and dispelling cold. Mainly used for respiratory symptoms such as exogenous wind-cold, fever and chills, headache and nasal congestion, cough, cough with white phlegm, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  Fruits: From the nutritional point of view, fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, and phytochemicals with antioxidant effects. These nutrients are beneficial to delaying aging, preventing cancer, clearing away heat and toxic materials, clearing blood, resisting oxidation and maintaining health.

  1. Pears: Chinese medicine believes that pears have the functions of promoting fluid production, quenching thirst, clearing away heat and reducing fire, and are most suitable for patients with fever and internal heat in winter. However, it is too cold to eat pears directly in winter, so you can drink them with stewed sugar water such as longan, red dates and medlar.

  2. Apple: As the saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Apple has the effects of nourishing spleen, nourishing stomach yin, moistening lung and pleasing heart, and is called the health protector of cardiovascular system. Moreover, stewed soup with lily, medlar and tremella can not only remove coldness, but also have nourishing effect.

  3. Kiwifruit: Kiwifruit is known as the "king of vitamin C", and the content of vitamin C is extremely high. Among them, rich dietary fiber can promote heart health, help human digestion and microcirculation, thus improving immunity; At the same time, it also has the good effects of promoting fluid production, moistening dryness, relieving fever and removing annoyance.

  4. grapes. Grapes can replenish qi and produce essence, and can nourish liver and kidney.

  Meat: In winter, people are used to eating ginger duck, mutton stove, Chinese yam stewed ribs and other medicinal diets to "tonify winter", which can tonify the middle warmer, replenish qi, nourish yin and tonify yang. But eating too much meat will increase the burden on digestive and metabolic organs, so we should eat reasonably. Eat less fat, and choose some poultry, fish and mutton that are easy to digest and absorb and have less fat content.

  1. Mutton: beginning of winter’s tonic is the first to promote mutton, which is warm and warm, and its fat and cholesterol are much less than pork and beef; Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mutton is hot and enters the spleen and kidney meridian, which has the effects of warming kidney, supporting yang, strengthening waist and strengthening bones, and nourishing essence and blood.

  2. Pigeon meat: As the saying goes, "One pigeon wins nine chickens", it can be seen that the nutritional value of pigeon meat is very high. Drink two bowls of pigeon soup in the coldest time of the year to protect the liver and tonify the kidney, replenish qi and replenish blood to resist the cold in winter.

  3. Fish: Fish is not only rich in nutrition but also extremely low in fat. Its protein content is twice that of pork, and it is easily absorbed by the human body. Therefore, in winter, besides eating some red meat, you can also stew more nourishing fish soup. In winter, the perch is plump, and it is rich in digestible protein, fat, vitamin B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron and selenium. Chinese medicine believes that perch is warm and sweet, and has the functions of strengthening spleen and stomach, nourishing liver and kidney, relieving cough and resolving phlegm.

  There is a "three-point" in winter health preservation.

  First, drink more water. According to experts, since the winter, patients with dry throat, itchy skin and nosebleeds have increased significantly. Under normal circumstances, the human body will evaporate a lot of water every day. After heating, the room is dry and loses more water. Being in such an environment for a long time, the body is naturally prone to the above problems.

  Experts suggest that although sweating and urination are reduced in winter, maintaining the normal operation of cells in the brain and various organs of the body still needs water nourishment. Therefore, you should pay attention to drinking more water in autumn and winter.

  Second, sweat a little. Experts said that the cold weather in winter makes it easy for people to shrink back and reduce the amount of exercise, but moderate exercise in winter is still essential. Exercise your muscles properly and sweat a little, so as to strengthen your body.

  "Exercise should be combined with movement, and yoga should be based on fever or slight sweating. You can also stick to soaking your feet with warm water until you sweat slightly, but you can’t sweat too much. On the one hand, sweating is discouraged, which is contrary to the way of hiding yang in winter. On the other hand, it is easy to catch a cold." Experts said.

  Third, go to bed early. According to experts, Sun Simiao, a famous medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty, said: "It is not appropriate to go out early in the morning and return late at night in winter, which offends Hanwei." Go to bed early to nourish yang, and get up late to consolidate yin essence. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure adequate sleep in winter health preservation, which is beneficial to the hidden yang and the accumulation of yin and body fluid; Remember to "raise Tibet" when you are recuperating in winter. (Source: China Women’s Daily, China Net, qianjiang evening news)

50+ new beauty products are fighting fiercely, where is the "new"?

Judging from the new products, especially skin care products, launched by major brands at the beginning of the year, they focus on the efficacy types of "early C and late A", and there is no lack of the trend of clustering online celebrity concepts and ingredients to homogenize the production capacity.

On the one hand, it is difficult to put the new regulations on record; On the one hand, big-name beauty has opened a new racing competition.

According to the incomplete statistics of the reporter of Cosmetics Finance Online, in 2022, more than 30 brands have launched more than 50 new products, expecting to usher in a "good start".

Among these brands that have launched new products, there are not only international brands such as Estee Lauder, Lancome, Saint Laurent, Frestech and Guerlain, but also well-known domestic brands such as Nature Hall, Proya, Marie Daijia, herborist and Yiyi Herbal Medicine, as well as popular new brands such as Ximuyuan, Winona, Runbaiyan, Kuadi and Yiben.

What kind of "masterpieces" will different brands launch to capture the market? From these new products, what beauty products trends can we see and what pain points can we find?


The average price is close to 600 yuan per bottle.

The essence is still a gold mine.

Among the more than 30 new skin care products incompletely counted by the reporter of Cosmetic Finance Online, the products of "essence" and "essence" are still the focus of new products promoted by major brands, and 12 brands including Estee Lauder, herborist, la roche-posay and innisfree have launched this type of new products.

From the main efficacy, most of these new essences are mainly whitening and repairing, which is the same as the efficacy advocated by the concept of "early C and late A" that exploded in 2021. That is to say, the main products are VC and VA (including A aldehyde, A alcohol and A fat), which can effectively whiten and resist oxidation, and have the effects of anti-aging and repair.

In addition, in these new essences, in addition to the necessary components VC and VA and their derivatives, other components are mostly plant extracts, such as orchids, myrtle, Zhenye cherry seeds, Erigeron, sea lilies, Bai Lianhua, mirabilis jalapa, etc., and more attention is paid to green, moisturizing and moisturizing. Obviously, brands want to enter the consumer market in a green, healthy, efficient and safe way.

In terms of price, the average price of the new essence is 585 yuan/bottle. Among them, the prices of foreign brands such as Estee Lauder, Chanel and Ya Dun are close to 1,000 yuan, which is significantly higher than that of domestic brands, about twice as much.

Some insiders pointed out that nowadays, with the increasing demand of consumers for cosmetics, more efficient, more research and development strength, but also more expensive essence quickly occupied the minds of consumers. "For consumers, the higher the efficacy, the more popular it is; For brands, the higher the price, the more objective the profit, so it is not difficult to understand why cosmetics brands get together to launch elite products. "


Star products are upgraded again

"Classic single product" is a strategic consensus.

The continuous upgrading of star items is also a common "innovation" strategy for brands.

Among the new products launched in 2022, Runbaiyan, Estee Lauder, YSL Saint Laurent Beauty Cosmetics, and Book by Book are all upgraded in formula or packaging around star items, so as to meet the needs of consumers and expand the market with newer and more comprehensive values.

On the one hand, in the rapidly changing consumer market, various products emerge one after another, and the life cycle of products is getting shorter and shorter. It is not easy to create an enduring and attractive product. Once the same or similar products appear, the competitiveness of the original products will be greatly weakened. Therefore, we should explore from the aspects of product function, experience and personalization to create a moat of products.

On the other hand, the consumer demand is constantly changing, and products should be adjusted around the consumer demand in time to keep up with the pace of consumers. Even star items should enhance their product value and meet the needs of users so as not to be eliminated by users. In addition, the upgrade of classic items will not only help the brand to consolidate existing consumers, but also enable the brand to touch potential consumers in the promotion of new products and new functions.


"Box Set" is popular again.

Behind it is the change of new channels.

In parallel with the strategy of "big single product", the combination of "water, milk and frost" which prevailed in CS channel ten years ago has returned to the stage, but the beneficiaries of this channel have become Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and major broadcast rooms.

This year, OLAY, Decker, Infusa, Yilian and other brands launched new products in the form of "water+milk" or "water+milk+cream".

Behind this is the change brought by brand layout new channels and catering to the sinking market.

With the rise of live broadcast e-commerce companies such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, cosmetic box sets have ushered in the second spring on these live broadcast platforms. According to several live broadcast data of Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker’s Talent, the number of sets of boxes sold is considerable.

Take Tik Tok as an example, the series of gift boxes of "Afterglow Danhua", "Snow Flower Show", "Oushiman Pearl White Gift Box", "Polaiya" four-piece set of "Tightening Skin and Tightening Muscle" and "Kanshubo" with high uric acid and moisturizing face are all selling well here. The main groups of consumers are also concentrated in the sinking markets of third-and fourth-tier cities and people aged 25-35.


The core components of sunscreen remain unchanged.

But the formula pays more attention to caring skin and nourishing skin.

In addition to essence and box, sunscreen is a skin care product that consumers focus on in spring. In this year, Nature Hall, Gaozi, Anjesha, and Deke launched new sunscreen products. Although the core components of the four sunscreens have not changed significantly, they all tend to be skin-friendly and nourishing in formula.

With the gradual enhancement of consumers’ awareness of sun protection and more professional functional demands, in recent years, the development of sun protection products has shown some development keywords such as "skin care", "anti-aging" and "multi-effect". Among them, skin-care sunscreen with both sun protection and skin care functions is gradually favored by consumers.


Lipstick comes out quickly.

Silk and water are two selling points.

Even under the influence of the epidemic, many brands said that lipstick sales showed a downward trend, but in 2022, the battle of new cosmetics had to look at "lipstick" first.

Among the 16 new make-up products counted by the reporter of Cosmetics Finance Online (except for the New Year’s limit), "lipstick" is the new keyword, and nearly half of the brands have introduced lipstick, followed by foundation/air cushion/isolation, followed by eyeliner and lipstick.

In the new lipstick, there are many colors and diverse textures, and softness and moisture are two outstanding characteristics respectively.


High-end brands continue to create "spire" makeup;

More expensive price, more skin-nourishing ingredients.

When makeup is becoming a common beauty product for a new generation of consumers, it is more like a skin care product for many consumers, which is different from high-frequency cosmetics such as lipstick. A good makeup product for a make-up brand is just like a good essence for a skin care brand. It is a "spire" product that can occupy consumers’ minds, thus driving the joint purchase of other products.

It is worth noting that among the new foundations launched by major brands this time, Lancome foundation cream costs 1050 yuan/bottle, which exceeds the price of most liquid foundations. "One bottle of powder cream, half bottle of essence", this product combines foundation and essence cream, and is suitable for before liquid foundation, which makes makeup tend to skin care and skin care.


Cold thinking:

When online celebrity’s concepts and components get together,

Is the new product really "new"?

Judging from the new products launched by major brands at the beginning of the year, especially skin care products, they focus on the efficacy types of "early C and late A", and there is no lack of suspicion that online celebrity’s concepts and ingredients are clustered together and the production capacity is homogenized. Is this new product really "new" for consumers?

In today’s diverse skin care market, there is a need for many types of new products. Only by studying consumer demand and producing more diversified products that meet the real needs of consumers can brands gain more voice in the fierce market competition.

Beauty cosmetics make up lessons for the past high growth and gain momentum for the future high growth.

During the platform period of industry development, the focus of each beauty leading work is divided, and at the same time, there are commonalities in creating large single products and expanding the ecological circle; Local brands are generally making up lessons for the rapid development of the previous stage and gaining momentum for the development of the next stage. Looking forward to the second quarter, both the demand side and the supply side of beauty cosmetics are improving marginally, and the low base caused by the epidemic in the same period last year is superimposed. The industry growth rate and sector valuation are expected to bottom out. However, due to the lack of driving force at the bottom, the recovery rate may be limited.

▍2023Q1, "optional" is superimposed with "fast-disappearing", which hinders the growth of beauty.

From January to February, 2023, the National Bureau of Statistics showed that the retail sales of cosmetics above designated size was+3.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 3.2pcts; year-on-year; According to the magic mirror data, Amoy beauty cosmetics were-18.9% year-on-year (skin care was-16.9%, and makeup was-23%); According to cicada mother’s data, Tik Tok’s beauty cosmetics maintained a positive growth, and the growth rate dropped sharply year on year. According to the magic mirror data, Tmall’s 3.8 festival was greatly promoted, and the sales of skin care/make-up/beauty instruments all showed a significant decline. The impact of epidemic situation on purchasing power, frequent and vigorous promotion in the past, purchase behavior beyond real demand in live broadcast scenes, high "home" inventory, and the current introverted investment of brands and platforms in the off-season, efforts to reduce the dependence on promotion and promote daily sales are the main reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of beauty cosmetics in the first quarter.

▍ Differentiation and commonness coexist in the platform period of industry development, and medical beauty and skin care scenes are integrated.

During the platform period of industry development, the focus of brand work is divided, and at the same time, there are commonalities in building large single products and expanding the ecological circle.

1) Differentiation: international brands, raising the price of classic products and speeding up the innovation to maintain high-end positioning and brand image; Local brands make up lessons for the rapid development of the previous stage and prepare for the development of the next stage. For example, Huaxi Bio’s four major brands have been upgraded, in which Runbaiyan has changed from moisturizing and hydrating to hyaluronic acid technology to repair aesthetics, and Quadi has taken the initiative to slow down and promote the creation of anti-aging mind with more energy; Winona, Bettini’s main brand, will streamline SKUs and sort out channels; Giant creatures maintain the dominant position of dressing while exerting their strength in functional skin care products;

2) Commonality: Large items have both scale benefits and brand effects, which is the common direction of all beauty cosmetics leaders; Seeking the second growth curve and laying out multi-category and multi-brand skin care products, medical beauty equipment and functional food and beverage around "beauty" and "health" have become the common direction of Huaxi Bio, Betani, Polaiya, Marubi and other companies. Concept and new marketing direction: fine efficacy, integration of medical beauty and skin care scenes. The effects of anti-aging and repair are refined according to the induced reasons, product action mechanism and application scenarios, and the whole-layer anti-aging has become a common hot spot in skin care and medical beauty; AOXMED and other brands entered the blue ocean market for immediate and recent repair and efficiency improvement after light medical art.

▍ Outlook for the second quarter: After the winter, the industry growth rate and valuation are expected to bottom out.

On the demand side, further economic recovery, further recovery of business, social and tourism scenes and gradual digestion of "family" inventory will promote demand recovery; On the supply side, it entered the last season in April, and continued to plant grass in May, and it was greatly promoted in June 18. To sum up, superimposed on the low base caused by the epidemic in the same period of 2022Q2, the growth rate of the beauty industry in the second quarter is expected to bottom out; However, at present, there is a lack of large driving force at the bottom, and the rebound height is limited.

In terms of valuation, considering the development stage of China’s beauty cosmetics and the growth rate of the leading brands, we think that the PE of the A-share beauty brand leader is around 40x, and the PE of the H-share beauty brand leader is around PE30x. Factors such as reducing holdings may lead to a large deviation in the short term, but the growth resilience of the industry and the company in the medium term will promote the valuation repair.

▍ Risk factors:

Beauty cosmetics and medical beauty are optional consumption, and the recovery progress after the epidemic, insufficient willingness to consume, sustained recovery, etc. may have negative effects; Strict supervision or exceeding expectations; The progress of product development or approval may be less than expected, which will have a negative impact on performance.

This article comes from a selection of brokerage research reports.

Two departments: holding the national and American country basketball competition (Village BA).

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, a few days ago, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the General Office of the General Administration of Sports issued a notice on holding the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA) and decided to organize the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA). The full text is as follows:

  Basketball has a broad mass base in China’s rural areas and is well received by farmers. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the No.1 Document of the Central Committee in 2023, and promote the construction of livable and suitable businesses and the high-quality development of farmers’ sports, it was decided to organize the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA). The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

  First, the purpose of hosting the competition

  The contest aims to strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas and enhance the fitness awareness of farmers. By holding a nationwide, mass and agricultural-interesting rural basketball competition, it highlights the style of farmers in the new era, shows the rural features, leads the rural fashion, creates a strong atmosphere in which the whole society cares about livable and suitable businesses and the construction of beautiful rural areas, and helps to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power.

  Second, the organizer

  The contest was directed by the Rural Social Undertaking Promotion Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Mass Sports Department of the General Administration of Sports, sponsored by the Chinese Farmers’ Sports Association in conjunction with the Group Department of the All-China Sports Federation, and provided with technical support by the Chinese Basketball Association.

  Third, the principle of running the competition

  Adhere to the peasant subject. Respect the wishes of the masses, fully mobilize the masses, and form a team with farmers as the main body, so that farmers can participate more and participate happily.

  Adhere to pragmatism and simplicity. Make full use of the existing venues and facilities to run the games simply, without extravagance, arbitrary charges and increasing the burden on grassroots and farmers.

  Adhere to safety and order. Always tighten the string of safe competition, scientifically design emergency plans, completely eliminate potential risks, and ensure the safety and order of the competition.

  Adhere to the interest and taste of agriculture. The organization of the competition fully shows the rural characteristics and embodies the local charm, and it is not greedy for foreign countries and superficial articles.

  Fourth, the arrangement of the event

  The contest is divided into three stages: grassroots competition, regional competition and finals.

  (1) The first stage: grass-roots competition (6— July). The provinces use the slack season to organize grass-roots country basketball games by themselves, and the organizational form is self-determined, and there is no rigid requirement. Encourage all localities to combine sports events with farming season and folk festivals, with local cultural display, agricultural products exhibition and rural tourism, and hold basketball games in rural areas to make them interesting and interesting. Those who have already held provincial competitions may not repeat the competitions.

  (2) The second stage: regional competition (8— September). Each province takes towns (villages) as a unit to launch two teams as provincial teams to participate in regional competitions. Set up four divisions in the southeast, northeast, northwest and southwest of China, and carry out provincial team competitions in each division. The winning teams in each division advanced to the third stage finals.

  (3) The third stage: the finals (October). It is scheduled to hold the first National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA) Finals in Taijiang County, Guizhou Province.

  The specific arrangements for the regional competitions and finals will be notified separately by the China Farmers Sports Association and the Group Department of the All-China Sports Federation.

  V. Relevant requirements

  (1) Strengthen organizational leadership. The agricultural, rural and sports departments in the place where the games are held should strengthen the organization, leadership and overall coordination of the games, strengthen cooperation with the departments of publicity, cultural tourism, transportation, public security, health and wellness, emergency management, meteorology and so on, formulate work plans, clarify the division of tasks, and ensure the smooth holding of the games.

  (2) Strict work discipline. Strictly abide by the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules during the holding of the games, prevent formalism and extravagance, and strictly prohibit taking the opportunity to charge farmers for profits. Strictly implement the relevant work requirements of national sports events, strengthen the management of athletes, strictly implement the rules of the event, the code of conduct of the stadium and other relevant regulations to ensure that there is no problem of competition style and discipline.

  (3) Strengthen safety precautions. Strictly implement the requirements of "who sponsors, who is responsible", "who undertakes, who is responsible", "one activity, one scheme" and "hierarchical management", establish and improve the safety working mechanism, formulate targeted emergency response plans for all kinds of risks and emergencies that are prone to occur in competition activities, implement safety responsibilities, resolutely guard against safety risks and keep the safety bottom line. Implement normalization measures to prevent and control the epidemic situation in COVID-19.

  (4) Increase the publicity of activities. Give full play to the role of traditional media and new media, publicize the events through multiple channels and ways, and form an all-media communication matrix. Pay attention to the promotion of sports events in a way that is loved by the masses and grounded, guide farmers to actively participate, tell good stories about farmers’ sports, attract extensive attention and support from all walks of life, and form a healthy and upward social public opinion atmosphere.

  (5) Do a good job in team registration. The provincial agricultural, rural and sports departments shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the competition regulations (see Annex), complete the preliminary examination of the qualification of provincial teams and players before July 15, and report the team information to the China Farmers Sports Association according to the notice of the second-stage regional competition.

  (6) Summarize the results in time. The provincial agricultural, rural and sports departments should summarize the development and achievements of local grass-roots competitions in a timely manner and report them to the China Farmers Sports Association before the end of September.

  VI. Contact information

  (1) Department of Promotion of Rural Social Undertakings of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

  Contact person: Qing Wenbo

  Contact information: 010-59191237

  (2) Mass Sports Department of the General Administration of Sports

  Associated person: Wang Xiaoyang.

  Contact information: 010-87182285

  (3) China Farmers’ Sports Association

  Associated person: Song Zemiao

  Contact information: 010-59196175, 010-59196168 (fax)

  Box: nmtxywb@126.com

Howard’s historical ranking is very different: Jordan ranks second, Kobe ranks fourth, and where is James?

Howard, who used to be known as "Warcraft" in the Magic Team, seems to have no other place in the NBA after his career. A while ago, he expressed his long-cherished wish to return to this stage and named the Los Angeles Lakers. He once tasted the championship there and hoped to have such wonderful feelings again!

Recently, he even talked about the difference between Kobe and James. In terms of getting along with his teammates, Kobe is more focused on the court, and he has little contact with his teammates and rarely speaks in the locker room, which makes Howard, who likes to be lively, feel uncomfortable, while James is more likely to get along with his teammates. Russell, the Lakers’ current point guard, also expressed the same view.

Moreover, Howard of Warcraft also brought his ranking of the best players in history, which is quite interesting from what he said, enough for us to describe it with the word "big difference", because in his view, Jordan ranks second and Kobe is fourth, so who are the first and third?

The first is Jabbar: in Howard’s words, he thinks Jabbar and Jordan are the top two respectively. Here, in order, Jabbar’s achievements are even higher than Jordan’s, which is Warcraft’s own view; Is this what we said earlier, Howard is eager to return to the Lakers and deliberately said such beautiful words? After all, Jabbar is a famous Laker.

Fourth, Kobe Bryant: From the player’s point of view, Kobe Bryant can rank in the top five or even second at all times, and so does Howard’s concept. However, referring to Jabbar, do we feel that he wants to do his best to return to this team? To this end, let’s take a look at James’s ranking.

The answer is the third. According to Warcraft, James ranks third in history. They once won the championship together. Will such feelings affect the best ranking in history? Then, Howard didn’t give the subsequent ranking of the fifth and more players in history, which is also in line with his careless personality. Are fans and friends surprised by this different ranking?

Great 4-0! Zhang Linyan went down in history and won two awards overseas. FIFA couldn’t help but send a message.

Recently, the grouping results of the second stage of the women’s Olympic preliminaries in Asia have been released! China women’s football team was once again divided into the death group! The opponents in the same group are South Korea, the mysterious teacher North Korea and Thailand, the quarterfinals of the Asian Cup last year. All three opponents should not be underestimated! Only by ensuring the first place in the group can China compete for the qualification of the Paris Olympic Games!

Of course, the strength of China women’s football team should not be bad now. Recently, there has been good news coming back from Europe. Zhang Linyan, a player from Ruichao Women’s Football Club in Cao Meng, scored goals in the quarter-round of the playoffs. And in the last away game, I scored the only goal, which also helped the team beat the opponent 4-0 and advanced to the next round! The team is close to winning the cup! Although the season is not over, Zhang Linyan has already won two women’s football awards from Ruichao! Cao Meng Club official website shows that Zhang Linyan won the Golden Ball Award of Ruichao Women’s Football Team this season. At the same time, Zhang Linyan also won the best midfielder in the league and was selected as the best lineup of the Golden Eleven!

Born in jiangyou city, Sichuan Province in 2001, Zhang Linyan is thin and short! When she started her career abroad, many fans didn’t think highly of her. I think it’s another waiter of a water dispenser. Times are different, you can’t look at people with old eyes! As the former women’s football coach said, the team doesn’t need a star. As a result, at the Tokyo Olympic Games, a sister of China women’s football team staged a big four happiness, which helped China women’s football team save a little face. Don’t discuss whether China women’s football team needs a star. Let’s talk about Zhang Linyan, the final of the Asian Cup and the Korean women’s football team. Zhang Linyan came off the bench to score two goals, which also helped China women’s football team reach the top of the Asian Cup again after 16 years. Zhang Linyan’s performance is amazing enough! It was also the women’s Asian Cup that won the championship, and later more than a dozen people including Zhang Linyan, Shoupeng Wang and Shen Menglu went abroad to study abroad!

Ruichao Women’s Football League, although not the top league in Europe, is very helpful for players’ exercise! Up to now, Zhang Linyan has played 20 official games on behalf of Cao Meng Club, scored 10 goals and contributed 7 assists! Zhang Linyan’s amazing performance has also been praised by British star David Beckham. Even FIFA can’t help but send a message saying that the future is boundless! Congratulations to Zhang Linyan for winning the Swiss Women’s Super Golden Ball Award in her first season abroad! She proved herself and conquered everyone with excellent performance. Let’s look forward to Zhang Linyan’s performance at the FIFA Women’s World Cup this summer!

Winning the grand prize in succession, Zhang Linyan went down in history! I have such amazing performance when I study abroad for the first time. I look forward to her continuing to write about her brilliance!

Climb the 123rd floor! South Korea holds a vertical marathon

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Climb the 123rd floor! South Korea holds a vertical marathon

The 2023 Lotte World Tower Vertical Marathon with the theme of "Struggle Again, Take on a New Look" was held in Seoul, South Korea on the 22nd. About 2000 people took part in the day’s competition.

Reporter: Rola Chen, Chang Yang

Editor: Peng Ying

Produced by Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

At the age of 22, the China women’s football team won 12 wins and won the third place. The 8-strong battle of studying abroad was born, and 8-2 presented a gift to Qingxia.

Less than two months before the World Cup, China women’s football team entered a critical period of preparation, adopting stage assembly and warm-up matches. The rest of the time, international players need to maintain their status in their respective clubs, especially those who study abroad. Being able to play is the prerequisite for getting the national team’s call-up, otherwise they can’t guarantee their status. Shoupeng Wang and Tang Jiali are examples. Their long-term absence from club games led to poor performance, which was once abandoned by Shui Qingxia. With the recovery of European and American leagues and the opening of the women’s super league, international players.

At this stage, among the international players studying abroad, Zhang Linyan and Shen Menglu have played more brilliantly, especially the former, who scored goals continuously. After the first goal in 2023 in the last round, this round sent assists again to help the team win in a row. In the final battle of Swiss women’s super regular season, Cao Meng women’s football team played against Berne young women’s football team at home. The latter scored 27 points with 8 wins, 3 draws and 6 losses. Because it was 4 points ahead of Basel women’s football team, it locked in the fifth place at least and advanced to the playoffs in advance. The pressure of being a guest in this field was limited, as was Cao Meng women’s football team, which was more than one victory behind Zurich women’s football team and locked in the third place in the regular season in advance.

Therefore, both sides of the game were more relaxed. Zhang Linyan, who was a substitute in the last round of rotation, returned to the starting lineup. During the game, she was very active in the midfield, while the Cao Meng women’s football team used the home court to constantly put pressure on the young women’s football team. The latter’s defense line was flawed many times, and goals followed. After 90 minutes of competition, the Cao Meng women’s football team scored 8 goals, winning the final match with a disparity of 8-2, which ended the third place.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Linyan sent an assist again and helped Cao Meng women’s football team to complete the third goal in the 23rd minute. The final record of Cao Meng women’s football team in the regular season is 12 wins, 2 draws, 4 losses and 38 points. According to the Swiss women’s super schedule, the top 8 players will enter the knockout stage, and the Cao Meng women’s football team will also launch an impact on the champion, and the absolute main force Zhang Linyan will also usher in an intensive schedule.

On the one hand, avoid injuries while maintaining the state. After all, the World Cup is approaching, but also the position of the national team. On the other hand, if she can perform phenomenal performance in the knockout stage, then 22-year-old Zhang Linyan is expected to land on a higher stage at the end of the season, and she will go all out to strive for the early realization of the dream of the five major leagues in Europe and present a gift to Qingxia.

What a surprise! The China Men’s Basketball World Cup was a bargain, and the Japanese team’s host advantage was deprived.

A few days ago, the grading of the Men’s Basketball World Cup was officially released, and the World Cup draw will be made according to this grading. China team was finally assigned to the sixth gear, 32 teams were divided into eight gears according to the world ranking, and China team was also assigned to the sixth gear according to our ranking. This is also helpless. China’s current decline level is still relatively fast. According to this gear, China team will be drawn with the teams in the second, third and seventh gears respectively. In the seventh gear, because there are two Asian teams, namely Japanese team and Jordan team, it is said that China will draw one of the two teams in C? te d ‘Ivoire and Angola as an opponent of China’s group match.

Judging from the situation of such a grouping, we can basically determine the goal of China’s World Cup. It’s impossible to get into the top 16, because the teams in the second and third files are at least strong teams in Europe and America, and compared with these teams, China is not a question of winning or losing, but a question of how many points it loses. After retiring from Yao Ming, the China team has never been able to beat this level of opponents, even if it is impossible to narrow the difference to double digits with them. This can be referred to the unsuccessful match of the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games. When the China team faced the Greek and Canadian teams, they lost more than 50 points in two games, which is a good reference.

There is only one goal left for China, that is, to become the best Asian team in the World Cup and return to the Olympic Games. First of all, the first step is to beat one of the teams in C? te d ‘Ivoire and Angola, and at the same time, we should hope that the other Asian teams, namely, the Philippine team, the Japanese team, the Lebanese team, the Jordanian team and the Iranian team, can only achieve the hope of China’s men’s basketball team returning to the Olympic Games if their records are not better than those of China.

Originally, because Japan and the Philippines are the hosts, we don’t have much hope for China to get the Olympic seats, because according to the regulations, the hosts will be assigned to the first team, so their grouping situation will be relatively favorable, or even a little lucky, and they will be able to hit the top 16 with the help of the host, just like the China team in 2019. At that time, China was put into a group with a team like Polish and Venezuelan, in fact, it was because of the glory of the host country. As a result, after the grading, we found that only the Philippines got the host qualification and advantage, and the Philippines was assigned to the first grade, while the Japanese team was assigned to the seventh grade according to its international ranking, and his grouping situation was definitely more dangerous than that of China, because he could not touch the super weak teams like Angola and C? te d ‘Ivoire. On the contrary, he had to play against the stronger teams in Europe and America such as Georgia, Latvia and Mexico, so Japan, a potential competitor, was selected.

Jordan and Lebanon are ranked eighth and seventh respectively. They are the lowest ranked and weakest teams in the same group, and it is basically impossible to win even one group match. Although Iran will meet a team with a lower ranking than itself, its strength is even worse than that of Kazakhstan after the lack of Kazakhstan season, so even if it gets a better opponent, it is basically hard to win. Therefore, China’s real potential opponent is only the host Philippines, so this grading is really a surprise to everyone. The unexpected point is that Japan, as the host, was not assigned to the first file, but was assigned to the seventh file. For China, it is a fisherman’s gain, and it is very likely that it will return to the Olympic family with the help of such an unexpected grading form.

Of course, this depends on two points. The first point is that China must win the weakest African opponent in the group stage, and also hope that the Philippines can’t play too well, because once the Philippines really rushes back to the top 16 with the help of the lottery, China can’t qualify for the Olympic Games.