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"Slam Dunk Master" was released, and the "official start of the game" version was announced.

1905 movie network news On April 20th, the movie Zero was officially released. The film released the "official start version of the competition" and the "today’s release" poster. The five tigers in northern Hunan got together to cheer each other up, and they are full of energy and will fight hard on the field. The battle for the peak of the vs Mountain King in northern Hunan has started, and countless people will dream of youth.

Up to the time of release, the total pre-sale box office exceeded 120 million, which broke the record of pre-sale box office of imported animated films, and the zero-point field was unprecedentedly hot. Finally, the box office exceeded 21 million, surpassing the runner-up of the zero-point field box office in China market in the past three years. This "national competition" that several generations have been looking forward to has officially started.

The opening of the "National Competition" was very popular at zero, and the unprecedented audience "cried"

In the preview of the release of the film, along with the burning theme song "The First Sense" sung by the 10-FEET band, the five people in northern Hunan got together to cheer each other up and prepare for a bloody battle. This long-awaited national competition officially blew the opening whistle, and the Xiangbei team will try their best to the last second. They "just don’t want to lose"!

"Slam Dunk Master" has accompanied generations to grow up. It took only four months for the basketball teenagers in the story to walk to the national competition, but the audience outside the story waited for more than 20 years. After the pre-sale of the film was opened, the "slam dunks" bought tickets for the zero field at the first time.Last night, there was an unprecedented grand occasion in the venue, and the audience became the role of "Slam Dunk Master", bringing their own cinema items to watch the movie, and the sense of ceremony was full. The excitement and popularity of the zero field also proves that although the teenagers who read comics have grown up, their blood has never changed.

The voice actors in Hanamichi Sakuragi, Rukawa Kaede, fit into Xiangbei to help netizens: "Youth is complete."

The day before yesterday, the film announced the cast of voice actors in the film. The voice actors of Rukawa Kaede and Hanamichi Sakuragi were the original TV versions of Guan Zhihong and Yu Zhengsheng, and well-known voice actors Gu Jiangshan, Tut Harmon and Liu Beichen joined in to perform Miyagi Ryota, Mitsui Hisashi and Akagi Takenori respectively. The netizens shouted: "The youth of several generations has been completed in this film!"

Today, Guan Zhihong and Yu Zhengsheng made a special call video for the film recording. They warmly greeted everyone with the tone of Rukawa Kaede and Hanamichi Sakuragi, and said that they had been waiting for this national competition for 27 years, and invited everyone to help Xiangbei and draw a satisfactory full stop for their youth. The peak battle between the five tigers in northern Hunan and the strongest mountain king has started. Everyone will make an appointment with friends who chased fans together in the past and go into the cinema to watch the game in an immersive way to witness the "dominating the country" in northern Hunan.

The movie "Slam Dunk Master" is showing, and there is only one chance to make up for the regret of youth, and the cinema will be there!

Eat it laxatively, reduce fire, and strengthen the spleen and stomach … This list of Chinese New Year fruits will definitely be used in your home.

The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer. Have you started shopping for new year’s goods?

When it comes to things to be prepared for the New Year, fruits after a meal must be indispensable.

Moreover, this fruit is well chosen, which helps to relieve discomfort such as excessive internal heat, constipation and indigestion. Even relatives and friends should praise you when they visit.

Today, Xiaobian presents you with a list of health fruits. It is right to buy the fruits for the New Year.

Small expert in relaxing bowels: pitaya and apple.

1. Pitaya

Every meal in the New Year is big fish and big meat. Many people are prone to indigestion and constipation, so try the dragon fruit as a "laxative expert"!

Pitaya can relieve constipation, mainly because it is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation.

Generally speaking, every 100 grams of white-hearted pitaya contains about 2 grams of dietary fiber, and the well-known laxative fruit banana can only reach 1.2 grams. Reminder: Although pitaya is sweet and delicious, it helps to relieve constipation, but don’t be greedy. A medium-sized pitaya has the same calories as a bowl of rice (red pitaya has higher calories), especially for diabetics, so you must eat less.2. AppleAlthough apple looks plain, its laxative ability can’t be underestimated!Apples are rich in pectin, which is a water-soluble dietary fiber. After it enters the intestine, it will absorb a lot of water, which not only keeps the intestine lubricated, but also increases the water content of the stool, softens it and plays a laxative role.

It is worth noting that apples are eaten raw and cooked differently. Raw food can relieve constipation, while cooked food has astringent and antidiarrheal effects.

Therefore, it is suggested that friends with constipation can eat more fresh apples, and friends with diarrhea had better cook the apples to reduce the irritation to the stomach.

Small helper for reducing fire: grapefruit and sugarcane

1. Grapefruit

Winter is the market season of Shatian pomelo. At this time, the pomelo meat is crisp, sweet and delicious, and it is full of water. After a meal, it is easy to digest and get tired.

Pomelo meat is not only delicious, but also has high nutritional value. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is sweet and sour, cool in nature, and has the effects of invigorating stomach, eliminating phlegm, clearing heat and reducing fire.

Special reminder: grapefruit should not be eaten during medication! This is because grapefruit contains bergamot, which inhibits the activity of cytochrome enzyme, which plays a key role in drug metabolism. If you eat grapefruit while taking medicine, it may affect drug metabolism, make the drug effect too strong and even cause drug poisoning. Therefore, it is best to read the instructions when taking medicine, or directly avoid eating grapefruit at the same time.2. SugarcaneUnexpectedly, sugarcane, known as the "sugar water warehouse", turned out to be a good hand at clearing away heat and reducing fire!In winter, the climate is dry, the human body is prone to water shortage, and the skin is often dry and peeling. Sugarcane can nourish and moisten dryness and replenish body moisture.Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that sugar cane enters the lung and stomach, which can clear away heat and promote fluid production, nourish the lung and moisten dryness, especially for people with lung heat cough and dry stool. However, sugar cane is high in sugar content and cold, so it is not suitable for people with diabetes, spleen and stomach deficiency and stomach pain.

Special reminder: beware of moldy sugarcane!Moldy sugarcane will produce a neurotoxin, which will damage the central nervous system and digestive system of human body. After eating moldy sugarcane, people may have nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. In severe cases, it may lead to nervous system poisoning. Tips: If you find that sugarcane meat turns light red, light brown, or has spots and patches, or feels sour, moldy and distiller’s grains, you can’t eat it any more.Little assistant for strengthening spleen and stomach: oranges, papaya1. orangesOranges are cool, sweet and sour, and have the effects of promoting fluid production to quench thirst, appetizing and invigorating qi. In addition, orange peel also has the effect of strengthening the spleen. If you have poor appetite, you can boil water with orange peel to help stimulate your appetite and relieve stomach discomfort. If a meal feels greasy, you can eat an orange after the meal to get rid of it.

Special reminder: when peeling oranges and eating oranges, don’t touch balloons without washing your hands after eating oranges! Aromatic hydrocarbons are hidden on the skins of oranges, oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits. This substance has strong solubility in rubber, which will swell when it comes into contact with balloons, resulting in the thinning of the balloon surface and the increase of stress. Uneven pressure inside the balloon will lead to explosion.2. PapayaThere are two kinds of papaya: green papaya and cooked papaya. We often eat cooked papaya, the flesh is red or yellow, and it is soft and sweet when we bite it down. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that papaya is cold and sweet, which can dispel dampness and stomach, promote digestion and relieve stagnation, nourish spleen and lung, relieve summer heat and quench thirst, and is known as "the fruit of all benefits", "the king of fruits" and "the melon of longevity". more importantly,Papaya contains a unique papain. When eaten with meat, it helps the human body to decompose meat protein and promote digestion.Therefore, eating too much meat and eating papaya can help digestion. In addition, it can also prevent gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer, indigestion and other gastrointestinal discomfort.

Reminder: The carotene in papaya is very high. Eating too much at once will easily make the carotene yellow and turn into "Minions". It is suggested that you should not eat more than 100g of papaya at a time (about half a medium-sized papaya). Papaya glycoside contained in papaya can increase uterine contraction, which is not suitable for pregnant women, and it is best not to eat it for people with allergies and physical weakness. The pictures in this paper are all from Yitu. com.

Source: Health Daily Push


Coffee and tea "duel", which is more beneficial to your health?

Original GlobalMD global doctors organization

Do you start your day with a cup of rich and fragrant coffee? Or do you prefer to start the day with a warm and soft cup of tea?

Indeed, everyone has different preferences. Scientists’ research has confirmed that drinking coffee or tea regularly can bring health benefits. Specific to personal health benefits, if coffee and tea "fight", who will you decide as the winner? Look at the following studies, and you may have new findings and different feelings. Pay attention to details.

Reading abstracts

1. Source of dietary fiber

Normal adults need to get about 25 grams of dietary fiber from their diet every day to maintain their best health. The fiber content of a cup of coffee is ~ 1.8g (depending on filtered coffee, espresso or instant coffee).

Drinking a cup of tea can hardly meet your daily dietary fiber requirements unless you like to chew tea.

Step 2 focus on:

Do you need to complete some intensive study or work? For example, studying for a fateful exam? Caffeine in coffee and tea will help you concentrate.

However, caffeine can improve attention and reaction time, and too much caffeine may lead to nervousness and overexcitation, which will eventually damage your mental state and performance.

According to the research data of Mayo Clinic experts, the caffeine content in coffee and tea varies greatly due to various methods. An 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine (espresso and instant coffee are less), in contrast, an 8-ounce cup of black tea contains about 50 mg of caffeine.

Which is better, coffee or tea?

A comparative experiment invited participants to drink four cups of coffee or tea (the same amount) all day. The results show that the two drinks have similar effects on alertness and cognitive ability. However, tea has a great advantage: it can help you improve your performance without disturbing your sleep quality.

3. Beneficial effects on intestinal microflora

Coffee and tea both contain a plant compound polyphenol, which has many health benefits. The research results of British scientists show that polyphenols can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and it is a "rocket fuel" that constitutes a beneficial microbial community in the intestine. The study also confirmed that the polyphenol content in coffee was significantly higher than that in green tea. The polyphenol content of green tea is higher than that of black tea.

4. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

According to a large number of population health studies, it seems that both coffee and tea are good for the heart and can reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke. But these studies are not the final conclusion, just like exercising more or eating a healthier diet, which is better, it is difficult to judge "winning or losing".

A large number of clinical research results show that drinking tea regularly, especially green tea, will better improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Drinking decaffeinated coffee can also reduce the risk of heart disease.

This seems to indicate that the benefits of drinking coffee or tea to the cardiovascular system may come from other compounds besides caffeine. In any case, the health benefits are clear.

5. Reduce the risk of cancer

Many studies have confirmed that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of cancer, including a meta-analysis of 59 clinical trials. The results show that coffee drinkers have a 13% lower risk of cancer compared with people who rarely or never drink coffee. The conclusion is that people who drink coffee regularly can prevent colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, endometrial cancer, oral cancer and breast cancer, as shown below:

The American Cancer Society concluded that coffee contains hundreds of bioactive compounds, some of which have been proved to reduce inflammation, prevent cell damage and regulate genes involved in DNA repair. Whether it is cancer, obesity, heart disease or inflammation, drinking coffee is beneficial to health, even if it is not a panacea.

Up to now, a meta-analysis of 113 studies on the relationship between tea drinking and cancer prevention shows that "there is almost no evidence to support the relationship between tea drinking and cancer risk reduction".

There are more detailed explanations, including the following questions:

6. Reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

A meta-analysis of more than 1 million people found that people who drink four cups of coffee a day have a 25% lower risk of diabetes than those who drink little or no coffee every day. People who drink four cups of decaffeinated coffee a day have a 20% lower risk. Coffee is very beneficial for reducing the risk of diabetes. So, how about tea?

7. Relieve mental stress

If you want to relieve some stress, tea is the best choice. When people are stressed, drinking green tea or black tea can make them more relaxed and lower the level of cortisol (stress hormone).

To make a long story short, relax? A cup of tea is the best choice.

8. Possible potential impact on longevity

There is no definite conclusion, but observation and research show that people who drink coffee or tea often live longer than those who don’t drink these two drinks.

Who is the final winner?

In terms of your personal health benefits, who do you judge to win?

Read the original text

Beauty cosmetics make up lessons for the past high growth and gain momentum for the future high growth.

During the platform period of industry development, the focus of each beauty leading work is divided, and at the same time, there are commonalities in creating large single products and expanding the ecological circle; Local brands are generally making up lessons for the rapid development of the previous stage and gaining momentum for the development of the next stage. Looking forward to the second quarter, both the demand side and the supply side of beauty cosmetics are improving marginally, and the low base caused by the epidemic in the same period last year is superimposed. The industry growth rate and sector valuation are expected to bottom out. However, due to the lack of driving force at the bottom, the recovery rate may be limited.

▍2023Q1, "optional" is superimposed with "fast-disappearing", which hinders the growth of beauty.

From January to February, 2023, the National Bureau of Statistics showed that the retail sales of cosmetics above designated size was+3.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate dropped by 3.2pcts; year-on-year; According to the magic mirror data, Amoy beauty cosmetics were-18.9% year-on-year (skin care was-16.9%, and makeup was-23%); According to cicada mother’s data, Tik Tok’s beauty cosmetics maintained a positive growth, and the growth rate dropped sharply year on year. According to the magic mirror data, Tmall’s 3.8 festival was greatly promoted, and the sales of skin care/make-up/beauty instruments all showed a significant decline. The impact of epidemic situation on purchasing power, frequent and vigorous promotion in the past, purchase behavior beyond real demand in live broadcast scenes, high "home" inventory, and the current introverted investment of brands and platforms in the off-season, efforts to reduce the dependence on promotion and promote daily sales are the main reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of beauty cosmetics in the first quarter.

▍ Differentiation and commonness coexist in the platform period of industry development, and medical beauty and skin care scenes are integrated.

During the platform period of industry development, the focus of brand work is divided, and at the same time, there are commonalities in building large single products and expanding the ecological circle.

1) Differentiation: international brands, raising the price of classic products and speeding up the innovation to maintain high-end positioning and brand image; Local brands make up lessons for the rapid development of the previous stage and prepare for the development of the next stage. For example, Huaxi Bio’s four major brands have been upgraded, in which Runbaiyan has changed from moisturizing and hydrating to hyaluronic acid technology to repair aesthetics, and Quadi has taken the initiative to slow down and promote the creation of anti-aging mind with more energy; Winona, Bettini’s main brand, will streamline SKUs and sort out channels; Giant creatures maintain the dominant position of dressing while exerting their strength in functional skin care products;

2) Commonality: Large items have both scale benefits and brand effects, which is the common direction of all beauty cosmetics leaders; Seeking the second growth curve and laying out multi-category and multi-brand skin care products, medical beauty equipment and functional food and beverage around "beauty" and "health" have become the common direction of Huaxi Bio, Betani, Polaiya, Marubi and other companies. Concept and new marketing direction: fine efficacy, integration of medical beauty and skin care scenes. The effects of anti-aging and repair are refined according to the induced reasons, product action mechanism and application scenarios, and the whole-layer anti-aging has become a common hot spot in skin care and medical beauty; AOXMED and other brands entered the blue ocean market for immediate and recent repair and efficiency improvement after light medical art.

▍ Outlook for the second quarter: After the winter, the industry growth rate and valuation are expected to bottom out.

On the demand side, further economic recovery, further recovery of business, social and tourism scenes and gradual digestion of "family" inventory will promote demand recovery; On the supply side, it entered the last season in April, and continued to plant grass in May, and it was greatly promoted in June 18. To sum up, superimposed on the low base caused by the epidemic in the same period of 2022Q2, the growth rate of the beauty industry in the second quarter is expected to bottom out; However, at present, there is a lack of large driving force at the bottom, and the rebound height is limited.

In terms of valuation, considering the development stage of China’s beauty cosmetics and the growth rate of the leading brands, we think that the PE of the A-share beauty brand leader is around 40x, and the PE of the H-share beauty brand leader is around PE30x. Factors such as reducing holdings may lead to a large deviation in the short term, but the growth resilience of the industry and the company in the medium term will promote the valuation repair.

▍ Risk factors:

Beauty cosmetics and medical beauty are optional consumption, and the recovery progress after the epidemic, insufficient willingness to consume, sustained recovery, etc. may have negative effects; Strict supervision or exceeding expectations; The progress of product development or approval may be less than expected, which will have a negative impact on performance.

This article comes from a selection of brokerage research reports.

Replace it! Eight stars who will be the top of the team next season: James or give way to thick eyebrows

Almost every season in the NBA, players lose the position of the team leader because they lost their peak. For example, last season, Paul was replaced by Booker because his peak was absent, and now Paul is finally abandoned by the Sun because he lost his peak. He was traded to the Wizards and then to the Warriors, and he will probably be the sixth man of the Warriors next season. You should know that Paul has never played the role of a substitute before.

To tell the truth, not everyone can join every team like James and have the status of the boss. This requires absolutely enough ability to do it, just like Durant helped Booker after joining the Suns last season. However, after the start of next season, there may be many teams whose masters will change hands, some because their teammates are too strong, and some lose their peak like Paul.

Thick eyebrows recently signed a three-year 186 million renewal contract with the Lakers, with a starting salary of 62 million, which also created a league history record. It can be seen that the Lakers want to grow thick eyebrows. In this season, the reason why the Lakers can reach the playoffs and the regional finals is that thick eyebrows are indispensable, and even his role exceeds that of James. Heavy eyebrows rely on excellent defensive ability to support the team’s defense system, which is why the Lakers can reach the regional finals.

It can be expected that James’ state will be worse next season, and no one can resist the urging of time. James will be 39 years old next season, and his athletic ability and physical fitness will decline. Last season, James proved that he could not turn the tide in key games as before, and Anthony Davis is still at the peak. He can definitely take the place of James and lead the Lakers forward. After all, the leader temperament of thick eyebrows is better than before.

Jia Lun Jackson joined the Grizzlies earlier than Morant, but Morant is the core of the team’s possession, and his talent is better. In addition, Jia Lun Jackson missed a season because of a serious injury, which also made Morant the leader of the team. But last season, as you can see, Morant missed many games because of the gun incident, and it was Jia Lun Jackson who led the Grizzlies to achieve the second record in the West with excellent performance.

Next season, Morant will still miss 25 games because of the gun incident. In this case, Jia Lun Jackson will lead the team forward, and Jia Lun Jackson is more like a team leader. His playing style is selfless enough and very tough, which can bring toughness to the Grizzlies. Jia Lun Jackson was selected as an All-Star last season and won DPOY. Now he is more like a team leader.

In fact, brunson showed the standard of the team leader in the playoffs last season, but after all, it was only a few games in the playoffs. Maybe the Knicks will completely straighten him after the start of the new season. In fact, brunson played a very good standard in the regular season last season. He led the team into the playoffs, but the outside world gave Randall the credit, so Randall was selected as an All-Star.

However, after the start of the playoffs, Randall’s lack of offensive arsenal began to appear. His projection ability was very inefficient, which even played a negative role in the team’s offense. Under such circumstances, brunson played a good performance and led the team to the second round. It is almost certain that the two men will judge whether their offense is more stable. Sibedu, the coach, is very direct, and I will use more people who are better. Next season, brunson will replace Randall.

The situation of Edwards is similar to that of brunson. Last season, Edwards was undoubtedly the first offensive core of the team in the playoffs. However, Towns missed many games in the regular season last season due to injury, so Edwards did not get the first core position at that time. However, after the start of the playoffs, Towns’ killing stability and scoring ability at critical moments were obviously not as good as Edwards’, so Edwards became the team’s first attacker.

Last season, Downs also sacrificed a lot of data in the regular season because of the arrival of Gaubert. He ended up on the outside and added more scenes of series teams. It can be said that the tactical position of Downs has obviously declined after the arrival of Gaubert, and because Gaubert occupied the inside space, Downs’ killing range has also been affected. Under such circumstances, it is imperative to defend Edwards.

Although Booker was the boss of the team last season, Durant’s level of players is more famous and powerful after all, so it is obviously unrealistic for him to be a deputy all the time. Booker’s playoff performance last season was indeed a bit superb, but it may not be his current standard. After all, everyone has seen Booker’s standard in the past few years. Although it is excellent, it is the first time that he has appeared as unsolvable as last season, and it may just be a flash in the pan.

If Booker can maintain the unsolvable play in the playoffs last season for a long time, even if Brother Alphabet and his partner can only be the second master, but we just said that Booker may not be able to maintain this state for a long time, although he can’t maintain high efficiency and stability for a long time, Durant can. After all, Durant has been the top scorer in the league for so many years, and according to the US media, Booker may play the No.1 position next season, so Durant’s tactical position on the offensive end may be improved.

Lillard will probably not play for the Blazers next season. Even if he does, it is estimated that the team will not give him the absolute core tactical position as before. After all, the team is determined to rebuild. The core of the team next season is Affini Simmons and Grant, who will lead a group of young players to the regular season, while Sheden Sharp and Henderson will be the future that the team will focus on. Sharp has excellent athletic ability and played well at the end of last season’s regular season.

Henderson was previously considered to be the best ball-holding core in the 23rd session. He fell to the third place, which is a treasure for the Trailblazers. Moreover, Henderson has the ability to attack and pass, so he may replace Affini Simmons as the team leader in the new season by playing well, which is what the team wants to see. Comparatively speaking, Wenbanyama will be the boss when he enters the team, and Henderson still needs to prove himself.

Last season, because Lavin got a bigger contract extension, the Bulls also intended to straighten him as the team leader. After all, this used to be Lavin’s team, and Lavin’s offensive skills were more comprehensive. It seems that righting him is better for the team’s future than righting demar derozan, but everyone saw the result of last season, because Lavin’s poor performance not only failed to make the playoffs, but even the locker room conflict broke out.

Lavin’s ability to lead the team is not good, and the scoring stability is not as good as that of demar derozan. Under such circumstances, the Bulls may regain the righting of demar derozan next season for the sake of record. Although demar derozan’s ability to fight hard is not particularly excellent, it is still better than Lavin’s. Although demar derozan’s three-point ability is not good, his middle distance exists in the league now, and he is one of the best middle distance masters in active service.

The Rockets introduced Uduka, Van Jordan and Tommy Tam in the offseason, and they obviously want the record. Uduka’s arrival will inevitably bring changes to the team, which is what the Rockets want. As far as the current situation is concerned, Uduka may give their former boss Jay Green the tactical position according to the wishes of the Rockets at the beginning of the regular season, but if the record is not good, Uduka may help Van Jordan.

After all, Van Jordan is an all-star backcourt in the past, and his ability and experience are better than Jay Green’s now. Moreover, the reason why the Rockets are willing to give Van Jordan such a big contract is mainly to let him lead the team to win. Next season is not a friendly season for young Rockets players, and many young players may not get the opportunity. I think the Rockets want to make a record too hastily, and their young players should continue to train for several seasons.

Speaking of which, what do you want to say about these players? Welcome to leave a message for discussion.

You can play the Champions League to attract stars! There is little hope of winning the fourth place, but Liverpool must fight again.

In the late 2020-21 season, Liverpool once ranked eighth in the Premier League standings, and suffered a six-game losing streak at home. The prospect of the fourth round was bleak. But in the end, klopp’s team played a wave of 11 games, 9 wins and 2 draws, and won the third place.

This season, Liverpool has been in a slump for most of the time. Recently, it has finally rallied and seen the hope of replicating the achievements made two years ago. At present, they have maintained a seven-game winning streak in the league, with two games left to play, one point behind Manchester United and four points behind Newcastle. The advantage of the latter two teams is that one round is missing, but Liverpool is not without a chance.

Manchester United has been in an unstable state in recent weeks, and its away performance is particularly bad. It has suffered two consecutive defeats in the league and only won three games in the last nine games in various competitions. Newcastle have also suffered defeat this month, and they are relatively inexperienced in the fight for four. Liverpool have been marching in the dark all season, and now at least there is a little light.

Only when you are qualified for the Champions League can you attract big-name stars to join. Teams that can’t play in the Champions League are hard to get the favor of good players. Real Madrid’s competitiveness in the transfer market is not as good as that of top giants such as Real Madrid. If they can only participate in the Europa League, hot stars are even more reluctant to join.

Last summer, Liverpool lost to Real Madrid in the battle for Joan Ameni. Now, their long-awaited number one signing target, English international Bellingham, is also closer to the Madrid giants.

This summer, Liverpool must reinforce the midfield, and the good news at present is that tapping the potential within the team has achieved initial results. Klopp did something new, transforming Arnold into the right back, which greatly improved the team’s offensive efficiency. The beauty of this move is to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Arnold can not only let go of the attack, but also need not be exhausted on the defensive end.

In early April, Liverpool drew 2-2 with Arsenal, and klopp used this new system for the first time. Since then, Liverpool has remained unbeaten, and Arnold’s assists (6 times) rank first among all players in the Premier League.

Diaz and jota’s return from injury also gave the Reds a shot in the arm. Diaz has been sidelined for half a year because of a knee injury. He has played in all the last seven games, and Liverpool have kept winning. Jota was injured for nearly half a season, which greatly reduced the firepower of the team (he scored 21 goals last season).

During their rehabilitation, klopp could only use Nunez and Gakpo. In the past, he was more used to helping new aid to integrate into the new environment. It is totally unacceptable to drive ducks to the shelves this season.

After Liverpool’s recent recovery, military fans are more looking forward to the new season. Nunez and Gakpo replaced training by competition, which basically adapted to the rhythm of the Premier League. During the offseason, klopp has enough time to adjust the team’s supplier system.

This season, due to the existence of the Winter World Cup, the schedule of club events has become very tight, which is not good for a high-energy team like Liverpool. The core of klopp’s tactical concept is to grab the high position and create opportunities for transformation, but his players are too tired to grab it this season, not to mention that they were still fighting for the championship on four fronts in the last game, and they fought to the end on every front.

The tide of injuries has passed, the players’ physical fitness has slowly recovered, and the team’s state has improved, but the season is coming to an end. The hole dug in front is so big that it is not easy to climb out. But no matter what the final result is, Liverpool must keep this good momentum and make a good start for the summer and the new season.

At the end of the 2002-21 season, they bottomed out and won the fourth place. In the 2021-22 season, they continued to triumph, scoring 92 points, and narrowly lost to Manchester City by one point in the championship battle, ranking second.

Now, Liverpool has reached a similar crossroads. Manchester City is fearfully stable, Arsenal has undergone a qualitative change, Newcastle has risen strongly, and Manchester United is gradually on the right track. The competition in the Premier League may become more intense next season. Before the targeted reinforcement of the summer window, klopp must lead the team to fight for four more times.

Manchester United will play Tottenham Hotspur ace harry kane or Napoli’s Victor Osman.

Manchester United will take harry kane, the ace of Tottenham Hotspur, or Victor Oscimen of Naples as the primary signing targets.

] It is necessary to look at the introduction of Jin Min calmly. It is not the "priority problem" of Manchester United and head coach Eric Tenghah. "Just bring it here, it’s a pity if you can’t get it", which should be regarded as a backward position. Jin Min-zai’s name was nowhere to be found in the analysis reports of the regional media who were most proficient in Manchester United’s internal atmosphere and news.

The British "Manchester Evening News" published a report on "72.9 million pounds that head coach Hach had to solve at Manchester United this summer". This is an article that Manchester United and head coach Tenghahe analyzed and put forward the priority issues after the end of the season through the summer transfer market and off-season.

Here, the realistic topic of Manchester United is put forward. There are two cores. One is that Manchester United can solve the problem of insufficient scoring ability by introducing strikers who can score clear goals through the summer transfer market. The second way is to find the striker Jaden Sancho (23 years old) who was introduced in the summer of two years ago for 72.9 million pounds (about 121.2 billion won). Unfortunately, Kim Min-jae’s name and the introduction of defenders were not mentioned.

The media said, "Manchester United is rushing to the transfer market this summer to strengthen its offensive choice, but it can’t solve some problems at present." Manchester United spent a lot of money to introduce wingers in the previous two summer transfer markets, but what is urgently needed this summer is strikers. This season, Manchester United have been trying to score goals, but we must bring in a world-class No.9 striker to improve their scoring ability.

To this end, Manchester United will take Tottenham Hotspur ace harry kane or Napoli’s Victor Oscimen as the primary signing targets. However, no matter who is introduced, huge amounts of money should be invested.

In addition, the lack of grass is also a problem that needs to be solved. Since Sancho came to Manchester United from Dortmund in July 2021, he has participated in 75 games, scored 11 goals and assisted 5 times, leaving a disappointing side. This made Sancho once promote Dortmund’s return, but this attempt ended in failure.

In the end, Manchester United must embrace Sancho again. But the location problem is distressing. In order to restore Sancho’s condition, Tenghahe also instructed to have personal training with the coach in the Netherlands during the World Cup break at the end of last year. Sancho has made 23 appearances as a starter and substitute since his comeback in February, and scored 3 goals, which seems to have improved temporarily. Of the 23 games, 13 were wingers and 10 were centers.

This way of starting means that the grass is still unable to determine its position. In the position of left striker, Rachford showed undisputed strength, while the right winger was Anthonis, who was trusted by the "1 option" of head coach Teng Hach.

If the grass wants to live, it must be given a definite role in the end. This is the most urgent task that coach Tenghahe needs to solve. Of course, Sancho should also try to prove his strength.

Manchester Evening News did not mention Manchester United’s defensive strengthening direction through this article. Of course, there is no mention of Jin Minzai’s name. Manchester United tied for third place with the lowest points lost in the league this season (losing 41 points), and Manchester City and Newcastle tied for first place (losing 31 points). Strengthening defense means that Manchester United will not consider it right away. Maybe Manchester United won’t catch Jin Minjie.

Arsenal are one step closer to signing Declan Rice.

Arsenal are one step closer to signing Declan Rice.

He is an English midfielder. Although he has a strong body of 188 cm, he has delicate movements and good footwork skills. As a center bag, it has good defensive ability and shows considerable influence in the distribution and assembly of the ball. With the progress of the season, his offensive action has improved and he has grown into a "complete" midfielder. Although a young Chelsea player, he made his adult debut at West Ham United. After making his debut in the league in the 2016-17 season at the age of 17, he quickly established his position. After increasing playing time in the 2017-18 season, he established his position as a built-in starter from the 2018-19 season. Show consistent performance. In the 2019-20 season, he had a full-court appearance record in all leagues. He said it was difficult unless he was a goalkeeper. Since the 2018-19 season, he has played more than 30 league games every season. This season, he led the team to score 4 goals and 4 assists in 47 games including the Cup. As he grew into the best midfielder in the league, many clubs showed interest. Originally, Chelsea was the strongest. In the last transfer window, he has formally confirmed his interest in Rice and made several offers.

Arsenal also participated in the signing competition. Arsenal, which aims to win the championship this season, hope to keep this trend. In response, manager Mikel Altta plans to push for a clear strengthening of power and choose Rice as the right candidate. Since Granit Xaka is likely to leave, the recruitment of Rice is more concentrated. Recently, we even had a detailed conversation. British media "Football Transfers" said, "Last week, Arsenal and West Ham discussed the details of Rice’s transfer fee and payment method." Contrary to West Ham’s previous statement, they will not discuss Rice’s future until the end of the season. Arsenal is very active. He even revealed that he was willing to pay the astronomical figures demanded by West Ham. The media said, "Arsenal expressed its intention to pay 80 million pounds (about 131.9 billion won) to sign Rice." Because of the large amount and high risk, it is judged as a necessary player. Chelsea, of course, is still paying attention to Rice’s situation. "Football Transfer" said, "Newcastle are also interested in Rice, and they are prepared to pay 90 million pounds (about 148.3 billion won), which is higher than Arsenal."

0-9 to 1-0, revenge! The penultimate madness of the Premier League: finally beating Liverpool and ending the seven-year wait.

At 20:30 on March 11th, Beijing time, in the 27th round of the Premier League, Salah missed a penalty and Billing scored the only goal in the game. In the end, Liverpool lost to Bournemouth 0-1 away and swallowed the first defeat in nearly 6 rounds.

Before this campaign, Liverpool scored 13 points in 5 rounds, 4 wins and 1 draw, and rushed to the fifth place in the league, only 3 points behind Tottenham Hotspur. They just washed Manchester United 7-0 at home in the last round. If they can score all three points from Bournemouth in this round, they will temporarily overtake Tottenham on goal difference and rise to the fourth place in the Premier League. Bournemouth lost 11 games in the last 15 rounds, only won twice, ranking the bottom of the Premier League with 21 points in 25 rounds.

In the first leg, Liverpool beat Bournemouth 9-0 at home, setting a record for winning the biggest score in the Premier League. Moreover, Liverpool have won seven consecutive victories against Bournemouth, during which they kept six clean sheets. The total score of these seven games reached a disparity of 28-1.

Who would have thought that all kinds of data predicted that Liverpool should take Bournemouth lightly, but in the end this round broke out with a 0-1 upset. For Liverpool, after losing these three points, it was doomed to not return to the top four after this round, but Burnley, who got the key three points, instantly overtook West Ham United, Leeds United, Everton and Southampton, not only got rid of the bottom of the league, but also escaped from the relegation zone and rose to 16th place. This is the first time that Liverpool lost to Bournemouth in the past seven years. The last time they lost to Bournemouth, they lost 3-4 away in December 2016.

Game review-

In the 29th minute, Ouattara made an inverted triangle cross from the bottom of 1V2 on the right, and scored a goal from Bilin Middle Road, with Bournemouth leading 1-0.

In the 69th minute, jota made a point, Salah took a penalty kick and flew wide, but Liverpool missed the equaliser and lost 0-1.