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"Hot Search" Tianjin roadshow audience praised: evil does not suppress positive blood boiling.

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. A few days ago, the closing station of the national roadshow of Hot Search "Sound All the Way" came to Tianjin University of Technology, and director Xin Yukun and actor Song Yang came to the roadshow to communicate with the students after the show.


In the movie, the girl who should have been at the "desk" was sent to the "wine table", but the girl who sought to speak was framed by the capital crocodile, became the victim of covering up the truth, and was pushed to the center of the topic and jumped off the building under the pressure of public opinion … … A series of shocking female dilemmas have made the audience sigh, "particularly empathetic."

After watching the movie, a female audience said that they were deeply touched by Zhang Xiaoying’s experience. "She is unfortunate and I am lucky." She also said that at the end of the movie, everyone stood up for her and was very moved. "I hope all girls can be their own superheroes, and they can bravely say no when they encounter things they don’t want or like."

After watching the movie, some students mentioned the control group of Amy Zhen Xi and Zhang Xiao Zhen Yu Tian in the movie, saying that they could feel Amy’s helplessness. Xin Yukun, the director, said, "This is a feature of changing times. The victim psychology like Amy is common, and Zhang Xiaoying’s mother will also block her daughter’s voice because of the traditional concept, so that the accumulation of ideas will make more Wang Shimin people reach out to young girls. The significance of Chen Miao is to break this vicious circle."

At the scene, another student noticed the book Rules throughout the film, saying that "the established rules may be wrong. If someone comes forward to question, we should think about whether what he proposed is the real rules". Director Xin Yukun responded, "Chen Miao, as a skeptic and a media person, finally wants to wake up the former victims through the media, let them unite and complete the attack on Wang Shimin through legal weapons, and the law is the sword that can finally sanction Wang Shimin".

A student who experienced cyber violence was touched by the movie. "I feel the same for the story in the play. If everyone is willing to speak, then the impossible will be completed in the end." If public opinion, society and law are twisted into a rope, I believe there is nothing that cannot be solved. " Director Xin Yukun praised everyone, "In the complex online world, if we really encounter something, we can make people stop being silent through law and public opinion, and there is a good result. This is our original intention of creation".

Hong Hai: a distinctive symbol of China’s prose

Hong Hai, an indispensable figure in China’s prose circle, has great influence in China’s literary world today. He is a distinctive symbol of China’s prose, a creator, editor and researcher of prose, and also an organizer, promoter and disseminator of prose activities. In the past, when it comes to prose in China, my impression is still the ones I learned in middle school texts. Once, under the recommendation of a friend, I paid attention to "Hong Hai’s prose about WeChat official account", which made me see a different world of prose.

People’s life is fast and busy, and their spare time is also submerged in the overwhelming ocean of information in the online world such as friends circle, Tik Tok and short videos. And every essay in Mr. Hong’s WeChat official account is like a quiet and chic yard in a noisy market. There is an enlightened person who can’t help but stop in a hurry to taste the essence of life. It’s like an enlightened person telling you Zen.

The change of prose is eternal, and the same will be eliminated after all. However, no matter how it changes, there is always the appearance of prose. If I am forced to draw the appearance of prose, I can only say that you can read my prose. I think this sentence is also applicable to other writers-Hong Hai.

Hong Hai’s prose, when read, is like recalling a fragment of life. I feel close to myself and very kind. Sometimes I can feel the casual nature of chatting between friends. Sometimes the author is like a guide, taking you into and savoring an unforgettable life. Teacher Hong has a profound research on the theory and future development trend of prose. From his prose collection, we can see the development trend of China’s prose. Teacher Hong thinks that no matter how prose develops, literariness, lyricism and cultural thinking and philosophical aesthetics of prose are essential. Therefore, Miss Hong doesn’t agree that the definition of prose should be infinitely relaxed, and everything should be put into the basket of prose. On the contrary, she doesn’t agree that the definition of prose should be too narrow, which will limit the development of prose itself. Therefore, Miss Hong encourages the exploration of prose development and opposes being restricted by the authority of rules and regulations.

Prose is about my world, and novel is about my world-Hong Hai.

Hong Hai’s prose, like what he pursues, is free to record every warmth and feeling in life. Some are like kung fu tea, and there is sweetness in bitterness. Some are like Yunwu tea, which is fragrant and elegant. Some are like wine, with strong fragrance. Want to savor the taste of life? Let’s take a look at Mr. Hong’s prose of WeChat official account and Hong Hai.

Hong Hai, the executive vice president of China Prose Society, is the representative work of Dongdu Dongdu, Calling My Sister to Call Xiao Hong, The Lotus of Women, The Paddle Sound of Canal, Feel the Soiled City and Country in Xi ‘an, and is the author of Hong Hai’s Talk on Prose, Appreciation of Tie Ning’s Fine Prose, a collection of short stories, and a play The Return of Egrets.

Take stock of the pain that will breathe in autumn! What about these "meteorological diseases"?

  China Weather Network News It’s almost mid-September, and the breath of autumn is getting stronger and stronger. Entering autumn not only means that the temperature is getting cooler, but also is known as "autumn dryness". But in fact, in addition to "autumn dryness", there are many other autumn "meteorological diseases" that are also annoying, which is simply a pain that can be breathed in life! Let’s take a look at the "meteorological diseases" that have to be said in autumn.

Take stock of the pain that will breathe in autumn! What about these "meteorological diseases"?

  Acute gastroenteritis caused by "meteorological disease" in autumn

  From summer to autumn, the digestive function of the human body began to decline, so the disease resistance of the intestine also began to weaken. This season, it is the time when all kinds of fruits and vegetables are on the market. If you eat a lot of cold fruits and vegetables, it is very likely that various acute gastrointestinal diseases will occur. Especially the elderly and children with relatively poor resistance have weak gastrointestinal function and are more likely to suffer from acute gastroenteritis.

  Prevention tips:

  1, reasonable arrangement of diet, pay attention to balanced diet nutrition. Food should be light and eat more vegetables and fruits. Don’t be greedy for cold drinks, and don’t overeat every meal to avoid damage to gastrointestinal function.

Take stock of the pain that will breathe in autumn! What about these "meteorological diseases"?

  2. According to climate change, increase or decrease clothes in time. Pay attention to the ventilation of the room and keep the air fresh. It is necessary to strengthen physical exercise and enhance the ability to resist diseases.

  3, pay attention to the fruits and vegetables to clean, you can use alkaline water to clean the fruits and vegetables, so that you can clean the residual pesticides.

  The angular stomatitis of "meteorological disease" in autumn

  In autumn, the climate is dry, and the skin and mucosa around the mouth and mouth are chapped, and the surrounding bacteria will take advantage of it to cause infection and angular stomatitis. It is worth noting that autumn angular stomatitis generally occurs in children. In a dry environment, children may wet the wound with their tongue or touch it with their hands, which is more likely to aggravate the chapped mouth and infection.

  Prevention tips:

  1. Apply glycerin to the affected area to moisten the damaged area, or apply erythromycin ointment to the corners of the mouth for sterilization and anti-inflammation.

  2. Apply some tea seed oil to your mouth before going to bed, especially for children. This is the most suitable and safest method. You don’t have to worry about eating it when licking your mouth, but you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the mouth during this period.

  3, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, you can eat tomatoes, cucumbers and other vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables. In addition, don’t touch it with your hands, and don’t wet the wound with your tongue.

Take stock of the pain that will breathe in autumn! What about these "meteorological diseases"?

  Arthralgia of "Meteorological Disease" in Autumn

  The research shows that when the daily average temperature changes above 3℃, the daily average air pressure changes above 100 hectopascals and the daily average relative humidity changes above 10%, the number of patients with joint pain will increase, which is comparable to the "walking weather forecast". As the autumn wind gets colder and the weather turns colder, many people will have joint pain, and often have symptoms of numbness and difficulty in joint movement. Among them, a large number of people will have symptoms of joint cold pain, fear of wind and fear of cold.

  Prevention tips:

  1. Keeping warm is the most important thing to deal with joint pain. When the weather turns cold, increase or decrease clothes in time according to the weather conditions. When it is cold in the morning and evening, you can wear a long coat or trousers, and you can use knee pads, wrist guards, stockings or gloves locally.

  2. When doing housework, try to use warm water to avoid direct contact with cold water, refrigerated goods or freezers. Doing a good job of keeping warm can greatly reduce the inducement of joint disease, thus reducing the frequency of the disease.

  Oral ulcer of "meteorological disease" in autumn

  When autumn comes and autumn dryness rises, people will easily get angry. Many people are forced to join the army of oral ulcers this season. Although oral ulcer is not a big problem, it really hurts! It’s just the pain of breathing. It hurts when eating, it hurts when drinking water, and it hurts even when talking. Not only that, oral ulcers are easy to repeat, which makes people hard to prevent.

  Prevention tips:

  1. Try to diversify your diet, eat more miscellaneous grains, coarse grains, green leafy vegetables, fruits, potatoes, bean products, milk, etc. to achieve a balanced diet and drink more water.

  2, pay attention to oral hygiene, avoid damage to oral mucosa, avoid spicy food and local stimulation. After each meal, you can rinse your mouth with salted boiled water and normal saline, and you can also rinse your mouth with medicine to avoid secondary infection caused by food residue.

  3, daily life should be carried out regularly according to a reasonable plan, have a good rest, especially to ensure adequate sleep.

  Allergic rhinitis caused by "meteorological disease" in autumn

  In autumn, there is usually a great temperature difference between day and night, and allergens increase. Such climatic characteristics lead to frequent attacks of rhinitis, especially for people with allergies, which can cause stuffy nose, runny nose and itchy nose, and severe patients can be accompanied by sneezing, headache and dizziness. Therefore, going out this season is no less than "going to the battlefield" for patients with allergic rhinitis, for fear of "summoning" rhinitis accidentally. Others admire the beauty of autumn scenery, and they can only sigh: "Snuff and tears are Qi Fei, and paper towels are the same color as handkerchiefs."

Take stock of the pain that will breathe in autumn! What about these "meteorological diseases"?

  Prevention tips:

  1. Find out allergens in time, stay away from protecting your nose, and use cold water to clean the nasal cavity every morning, which can enhance the ability of gastric mucosa to resist cold, and also remove bacteria and germs in the nostrils.

  2, due to seasonal changes, cold weather and allergies, it is necessary to keep the humidity of the indoor air, and don’t let the nose be too dry.

  3, avoid getting angry, otherwise it will easily cause some inflammation, and nasal congestion and sore throat caused by long-term getting angry will cause rhinitis.

  Skin disease of "meteorological disease" in autumn

  In autumn, the moisture content in the air decreases, the metabolism of human body slows down, and the secretion function of sweat glands and sebaceous glands also decreases, thus making the skin dry, chapped, desquamated and itchy. For people with poor resistance, skin diseases such as urticaria and psoriasis are prone to occur. At the same time, the change of temperature makes human immunity decline, and it is easy to be infected by bacteria, fungi or viruses, thus suffering from infectious skin diseases such as herpes zoster, rubella and measles.

  Prevention tips:

  1. To relieve autumn dermatitis, you can rinse the affected area with clear water, but don’t use hot water or soap with strong alkalinity, which will easily damage the skin and aggravate the condition.

  2, should not eat hot pot, shrimp, crab, beef, mutton, tobacco, wine and other spicy products, strong tea, etc., will aggravate the condition. Eat more foods rich in vitamin A, such as pig liver, eggs and cod liver oil.

  3, pay attention to personal hygiene, clothes should be washed frequently, choose loose and breathable cotton clothes, try not to go to the grass.

Winter Dream Leaps Forward and Ambition Agitates —— The Birth of the Emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 15th Title: Winter dream leaps and ambition stirs — — The Birth of the Emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games (Detailed Edition)

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Yong, Ji Ye, Lin Deren and Gao Peng.

  On December 15th, 2017, the National Aquatics Center "Water Cube", which inherits the elements of the 2008 Olympic Games and will usher in the 2022 Winter Olympics, witnessed another important moment in the history of the Olympic movement: the emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics "Winter Dream" and the emblem of the Winter Paralympics "Leap", which were unveiled here.

  Beijing, the ancient capital of oriental civilization and a modern international metropolis that will be the first city to host the summer and winter Olympic Games in the world, has once again left a distinct cultural imprint on the Olympic history, which will also become one of the important symbols of the wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics.

  International Olympic Committee President Bach delivered a video message at the release ceremony of the emblem of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games. He said that the unveiling of the emblem of the Beijing Winter Olympics is a wonderful milestone in the Olympic journey for China and even the entire Olympic family. The emblem is a symbol of ambition and dreams. For the common goal of the Beijing Winter Olympics, people in China and even the whole world will be excited and look forward to it.

  "Winter Dream" and "Leap" appeared at the same time

  The emblems of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games were collected and released together, designed by the same designer, and achieved a high degree of unity in visual language.

  Winter Dream, the emblem of the Winter Olympics, uses the artistic form of China’s calligraphy to integrate the rich oriental cultural heritage with the international modern style, presenting a new image and dream of China in the new era.

  The emblem of the Winter Paralympic Games is "leap". The design adheres to the concept of showing the culture of the host city and embodying the athlete-centered, and combines the calligraphy art of China with the sports characteristics of the Winter Paralympic Games. The design shows the movement and strength of the Chinese character "Fei", subtly transforms it into an athlete who slides forward and rushes to victory, and at the same time vividly expresses the form of special sports equipment such as wheelchairs for the Winter Paralympic Games.

  The two emblems pay attention to the integration of China’s cultural heritage, modern international style and the characteristics of the Winter Olympics, vividly demonstrating the national spirit, times and cultural charm of contemporary China, vividly demonstrating the passion, youth and vitality of ice and snow sports, conveying the spirit of athletes’ self-transcendence and hard work, and expressing the vision of 1.3 billion China people for the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics.

  The emblem design collected 4506 works.

  On July 31, 2015, IOC President Bach announced at Kuala Lumpur Convention and Exhibition Center in Malaysia that Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games.

  On the same day a year later — — On July 31, 2016, BOCOG sent an invitation from the Great Wall to collect the design scheme of the emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games from all over the world.

  The collection and design of the emblem, based on the experience of the 2008 Olympic Games and the recent Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games, has gone through six stages: global collection, expert review, revision and deepening, appraisal and communication, legal review, and submission and approval.

  In the collection stage of the emblem, BOCOG held the "Beijing 2022 Design Forum" and made a special trip to Shanghai, Shijiazhuang, Dalian, Shenyang, Hangzhou, Quanzhou and other cities to invite domestic and foreign designers to discuss the emblem and image landscape design. As winter sports are not as familiar as summer sports in China, they also organize designers to participate in the experience of winter sports and get inspiration from it. The collection methods and documents of the emblem are all made public and can be found on the website; Throughout the collection and evaluation process of the emblem, the supervision and audit department of BOCOG and the notary office participated in the whole process to ensure openness, fairness and impartiality.

  After the emblem collection was launched, it attracted wide attention, and more than 7 million people participated in and paid attention to the emblem collection activities only through Weibo, the official of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee.

  On November 20th, 2016, it was the first day of soliciting contributions for design. Designers from several art and design colleges in Beijing and some amateurs became the first batch of applicants.

  Entries from all directions bear people’s enthusiasm and yearning for the Beijing Winter Olympics, flying like snowflakes to the emblem design collection office in Beijing Gehua Building. One design plan wrapped in kraft paper bags is filled with rooms for storage. There are primary school students, employees of state-owned enterprises and teachers and students of professional art colleges who come to contribute. The staff carefully and carefully registered the number of each application one by one, and even queued up in front of the registration desk during peak hours.

  The collection of emblem design ended at 16: 00 on November 30, 2016, which lasted for 4 months and received a total of 4506 design schemes.

  — — The design schemes come from 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province, as well as 13 countries including the United States, Russia, Britain and France.

  — — The oldest contributor is 85 years old, and the youngest contributor is 7 years old. Many disabled designers personally came to the collection office to submit their works.

  — — There are 3,198 design schemes from professional design institutions and universities, accounting for 71% of the total.

  A rigorous and fair review

  In October 2016, recommended by the International Olympic Committee, the State Sports General Administration, the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, the China Artists Association, the Beijing Olympic City Development Promotion Association, professional art colleges and other institutions and representatives, BOCOG invited 15 well-known international and domestic experts and athletes to form the emblem expert review committee.

  Among the 15 judges, there are Liu Dawei, chairman of China Artists Association, Wu Weishan, curator of China Art Museum, Lu Xiaobo, president of Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts, Hang Jian, vice president of China Academy of Fine Arts, etc. Theodora Marshalis, creative director of image and landscape design for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and david grossman, chairman of the International Design Committee, served as international judges.

  In addition, Yang Yang, a member of the International Olympic Committee and the first gold medal winner of the China Winter Olympics, served as a judge as a representative of the sports community. Park Xuedong, Minister of Finance and Market Development of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, and Tong Lixin, Minister of Sports, who are directly related to the application of the emblem, also served as judges. Jiang Xiaoyu, former executive vice chairman of BOCOG and vice chairman of Beijing Olympic City Development Promotion Association, was elected as the chairman of the jury.

  On December 16, 2016, only half a month after the collection, the jury held a non-stop meeting to select the emblem according to the evaluation procedures and rules. In Beijing Gehua Mansion, more than 4,000 works are neatly stacked on dozens of tables, and each work hides the name and unit of the applicant, and only the work itself is presented to the judges. In order to facilitate the selection, the expert review committee classifies the works according to the elements, graphics, fonts and artistic features, and puts the same category together. Fifteen Chinese and foreign judges carefully examined each work in the exhibition hall.

  In the primary election, each judge can choose 100 works. Under the supervision of notaries, the votes were sung immediately after voting, and 78 works shortlisted in the initial evaluation were produced. Re-evaluation will be made one day later, and each judge will choose the top 10 works in their minds.

  In these works, some are expressed by Chinese characters, others by figures, some highlight winter features, such as snowflakes, and some China traditional graphic patterns, such as the Great Wall, lanterns, firecrackers and paper-cuts. In order to present a better visual effect, the judges hung the selected works on the wall, commented on them one by one, discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each work, and considered all aspects before voting, striving to make the evaluation scientific and proper.

  After repeated comparison and careful screening, Chinese and foreign judges selected 10 design schemes from the shortlisted re-evaluated works and graded them.

  David grossman, chairman of the International Design Committee, said that during the selection process, every judge was very serious, had a long discussion and had different opinions. "I have participated in many similar international selections, but I must say that few of them are as rigorous as this one."

  Jiang Xiaoyu, chairman of the jury, and other judges said that the collection of the emblem design scheme showed three characteristics: large quantity, wide sources and strong professionalism. With the development of China, especially after the baptism of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, more and more outstanding designers in China have a deeper understanding of the Olympic spirit and submitted many high-quality works.

  "Winter Dream" and "Leap" won the first total score.

  Chinese and foreign judges of the Beijing Winter Olympics emblem expert review committee reached a high degree of consensus in the review process — — The theme of the emblem must have a high level of design, the artistic form has China characteristics, and the creative design highlights the theme of ice and snow, which is easy to spread internationally.

  After voting, No.801 won the first place in the total score among 10 finalists, and the conceptual design of the word "winter" is the prototype of the emblem of Beijing Winter Olympics. Coincidentally, the author is Lin Cunzhen, the designer of the emblem of Beijing’s bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics and vice president of the School of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. During the period of applying for the Winter Olympics, Lin Cunzhen designed the bid emblem with the word "winter" in China’s calligraphy as the main body, which skillfully combined the abstract slideway, the movement form of snow and ice with the calligraphy art, and the two points below the word "winter" were integrated into 2022, which was vivid and natural.

  On January 14th, 2017, BOCOG focused on the 10 short-listed design schemes, and four works, including No.801, were identified as the direction for further revision and improvement.

  Five days later, in order to make the four finalists not only have a good design concept, but also have a professional presentation effect, BOCOG entrusted four universities, including Central Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Fine Arts and Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, to deepen the design for these four works respectively.

  The Central Academy of Fine Arts is responsible for deepening the revision of Works No.801. The revision team includes Wang Min, Vice Chairman of the International Graphic Design Federation/Chairman of China District, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Liu Bo, designer of the emblem of the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games, Professor of the School of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Hang Hai, designer of medals and individual sports icons of the 2008 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games, and two students, Chen Yijun and Chen Ying.

  Wang Min, the leader of the revision team, said that the original intention of the revision was to ensure that the original creativity and vitality of the scheme were maintained. The revision team put forward more suggestions from technical details, such as how to pay more attention to modeling and how to make colors more reasonable. From late January to November, when they received the notice of revision, they made in-depth revisions to the Olympic graphics, Paralympic graphics, color system, and the word logo "Beijing 2022". In the process of revising the emblem, BOCOG specially invited people from all walks of life to form a review committee, and held two review meetings in March and April. Invited representatives from all walks of life commented on the revised design scheme of the emblem and put forward suggestions for further revision. 80-year-old Professor Han Meilin, member of the Standing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, also participated in the review and revision.

  At the same time, BOCOG also consulted the relevant departments of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee and the Olympic Broadcasting Service Company on the design scheme of the emblem, and revised the emblem scheme accordingly.

  After extensive consultation, a design scheme of the emblem and an alternative design scheme were determined at the meeting of the chairman of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee. Work No.801, namely "Winter Dream" and "Leap", finally stood out.

  Lin Cunzhen, the designer of the emblem, interprets the forms of "Winter Dream" and "Leap" in this way: "The Winter Olympics is a synthesis of ice and snow sports, and the emblem should embody both ice sports and snow sports. The form of the emblem comes from the gestures of ice and snow sports, and the overall shape reflects the China Chinese character ‘ Winter ’ . At the same time, compared with the Summer Olympics, all sports in the Winter Olympics rely on equipment, especially in the design of the Paralympic emblem, the display of sports equipment such as snow poles and wheelchairs has been increased. "

  Many judges who participated in the judging thought that "Winter Dream" and "Leap" perfectly combined China’s excellent traditional culture with the Olympic spirit through Chinese characters and calligraphy, and they were full of movement on the whole, reflecting the image of athletes as the center and the galloping of winter sports; The design color is very bright, the technique is also very international, and it has a sense of the times, which reserves a broad space for the wide application of the emblem in the future, especially for the three-dimensional presentation and extension design.

  Fan Dian, president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, thinks that the combination of snow and ice sports, China traditional culture and China elements is the general trend and universal feature of this emblem design. Fan Dian believes that pen and ink should follow the times, and design should also follow the times. The design, color, font and graphics of the emblem of the Winter Olympics are sincere expressions of the development of the China era.

  Wu Weishan, curator of China Art Museum, believes that there are more and more people learning Chinese all over the world. Designing the emblem of the Winter Olympics with the Chinese character "winter" is a way to let the world know about China and tell the story of China well, which can make the world feel beautiful and respect China culture.

  David grossman, Chairman of the International Design Committee, believes that this emblem has achieved a good balance between tradition and modernity, which not only presents China culture, but also is very international. Even people who don’t know Chinese can see the harmonious relationship between it and China characters and symbols of the Winter Olympics. At the same time, it also condenses a lot of sports postures, which is convenient for dynamic presentation.

  "Winter Dream" and "Leap" also resonated among athletes. Li Nina, the world champion of freestyle skiing aerial skills in China, said: "I saw this at first sight ‘ Winter ’ Word, you will know that it represents winter and winter sports. There are also two sports figures on it. When you see this emblem, you can think of which Winter Olympics it is. "

  Official approval of the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee

  In order to ensure the originality and intellectual property rights of the emblem, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee formulated a work plan for the duplicate check of the emblem, and carried out duplicate check at home and abroad from April to August 2017. From April to May, the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce checked the candidate emblems of Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, and found no highly similar icons in all 45 categories of trademark registration. In June, BOCOG commissioned Tsinghua University to search for keywords related to the emblem in 10 foreign languages, including English, French and Arabic, and to collect images from the websites of graphic design majors.

  From June to August, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) respectively checked the candidate emblems of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. In addition, BOCOG also registered the copyright of the emblem works in China Copyright Protection Center, and started the application for trademark registration of the emblem covering all 45 categories in China 48 hours before the official release of the emblem.

  On November 4th, the leading group for the 24th Winter Olympics approved the emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games.

  On December 5th, the International Paralympic Committee officially approved the design scheme of the emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympics.

  On December 6th, the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee officially approved the design scheme of the emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

  On the evening of December 15th, the emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and the emblem of the Winter Paralympics were officially unveiled.

  The emblem of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, "China Seal", uses the seal used by China for thousands of years as a carrier to convey to the world that China has the ability and confidence to run a high-level Olympic Games. After the baptism of the Beijing Olympic Games, the world learned more about China and China learned more about the world. Today, China has developed into the world’s largest trading country and the second largest economy, and has increasingly entered the center of the world stage.

  The emblem of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games, "Winter Dream" and "Leap", tells the world in a confident way: China people should dream the Winter Olympics, let their ideals fly, and contribute their enthusiasm and wisdom to the development of the Olympic Games and the world ice and snow sports!

Shijiazhuang issued orange warning of heavy polluted weather and started level II emergency response.

[Shijiazhuang issues orange warning for heavy polluted weather to start Class II emergency response] Cailian News Agency reported on January 10th that it was approved by Shijiazhuang Meteorological and Municipal Ecological Environment Department and reported to emergency headquarters for heavy polluted weather. Now it issued orange warning for heavy polluted weather to the whole city, and started Class II emergency response for heavy polluted weather at 20: 00 on January 10th, 2024. The lifting time will be notified separately.

Explore the value and practical path of cultural self-confidence in the new era

In the new era, cultural self-confidence has become an important concept and strategic direction of China’s development. Cultural self-confidence refers to the conscious recognition, pride and self-confidence of cultural tradition, cultural value and cultural spirit. Under the background of globalization and informatization, cultural self-confidence is of great significance to the development and prosperity of a country. Cultural self-confidence is not only the spiritual pillar of a country and a nation, but also an important part of a country’s soft power. Countries and nations with cultural self-confidence can better maintain their uniqueness and vitality, stimulate people’s creativity and innovative spirit, and promote social development and progress. Therefore, exploring the value and practical path of cultural self-confidence in the new era is of great significance for strengthening the cohesion of the country and the nation, enhancing social stability and development momentum.

Cultural self-confidence is a country’s or a nation’s self-confidence and pride in its own cultural values and cultural characteristics. It emphasizes maintaining the uniqueness and diversity of its own culture under the background of globalization, and maintaining an open and inclusive attitude in communication with other cultures. Cultural self-confidence includes the inheritance and innovation of one’s own traditional culture, respect and understanding of historical culture, and confidence in the independent development and self-expression of contemporary culture. It encourages people’s sense of identity with their own culture and encourages people to participate more actively in cultural creation and dissemination. Under the background of globalization, cultural self-confidence helps to maintain the independence and diversity of national characteristics and avoid the trend of cultural homogenization. At the same time, it also helps to promote cultural exchanges and dialogues and promote understanding and harmony between different cultures. For a country, cultural self-confidence is an important factor to realize national cultural prosperity and promote national soft power. It is also the foundation of building a harmonious world, promoting equality, respect and tolerance among different cultures and promoting the common development of all countries in the world through cultural exchanges and dialogues.

Strengthening cultural self-confidence is the premise of carrying forward and inheriting Chinese excellent traditional culture. Wen Yun is linked with the national movement, and the context is linked with the national context. At present, pluralistic thoughts collide with cultural exchanges and resonate at the same frequency. We need to strengthen our cultural self-confidence, comprehensively deepen our understanding of the content and contemporary value of excellent traditional culture, and constantly draw momentum from excellent traditional culture to help build a strong cultural country. The people of China have always taken it as their responsibility to carry forward the excellent Chinese traditional culture, and have constantly given the excellent traditional culture a new era connotation. Contemporary China is the continuation and development of historical China, and the people of China are the firm inheritors and promoters of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Strengthening cultural self-confidence, deeply understanding China’s cultural bloodline and being the inheritor and promoter of advanced culture are conducive to recognizing China’s past, present and future. Its core values have become the most fundamental cultural gene of the Chinese nation. Only by persisting in moving from history to the future, keeping upright and innovating, continuing cultural genes, and giving new vitality and creativity to Chinese excellent traditional culture with the spirit of the times.

Strengthening cultural self-confidence is the spiritual support for the modernization of national governance capacity. Facing the myriad problems of governing the country, deepening the reform in an all-round way is arduous and complicated. Strengthening cultural self-confidence is particularly important. The people-oriented thought of "the foundation is in the people, the blood is in the people, the strength is in the people, building the party for the public and governing for the people" provides cultural resources for the structural optimization of the national governance system and the modernization of governance capacity in the new era. Under the discourse coordinate of "respecting the people", it is necessary to "benefit the people, and the silk will flourish; It is clear that ruling must safeguard the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people. With the idea that "the wise change with time, and the wise make things according to the situation", the far-reaching significance of reform and innovation in the new era is highlighted.

Strengthening cultural self-confidence is the source of power to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. "If you want to believe people, you must be confident first, and if you want to know people, you must know yourself first". (from "Lu Chunqiu Xianji"). Every historical cultural progress in human society is inseparable from social transition. The survival and development of a nation cannot be separated from the guidance of advanced culture. Are accompanied by the historical progress of culture. Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is undoubtedly a great cause that will shake the past and shine the present. History has proved time and again that cultural creativity is the cultural endowment of the Chinese nation. At every historical juncture, culture can always perceive the national luck, stand on the top of the times and become the first voice of the times. Only the prosperity of Chinese culture can win the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. "Without the great enrichment of the people’s spiritual world and the continuous enhancement of national strength, a country and a nation cannot stand among the nations of the world". After several generations of struggle, the Chinese nation witnessed three great leaps and experienced the historical process of standing up, getting rich and becoming strong. The world is in a period of great change that has never happened in a century. To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should not only attach importance to economic construction but also strengthen cultural construction.

Time is the mother of thought and practice is the source of theory. Explore the truth from China’s vivid practice, interpret China’s practice with China’s words, and constantly innovate and endow Chinese culture with new connotations. To promote cultural self-confidence in the new era, we should innovate the practice path, promote the prosperity and development of culture, enhance the country’s cultural self-confidence and enhance the country’s cultural influence.

Promote cultural inheritance and innovation. Inheritance is the foundation of cultural self-confidence and an important guarantee for the development of a national culture. A nation’s excellent traditional culture is the crystallization of its historical and cultural accumulation and an important part of the national spirit. Therefore, it is an important task for the cultural construction of contemporary China to deeply excavate and inherit the excellent traditional culture of its own nation. Chinese excellent traditional culture is profound and has a long history. From The Book of Songs to The Analects of Confucius, from Han and Tang poetry to Quyi opera, it not only shows the wisdom and emotion of the Chinese nation, but also contains profound moral concepts and philosophy of life. The essence of these traditional cultures is exactly what we should inherit and carry forward. To inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture, we need to pay attention to innovation and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of culture. The combination of traditional culture and modern society is not only conducive to the inheritance of traditional culture, but also makes it more vital and attractive. First of all, we should pay attention to creative transformation. Traditional culture, as a historical heritage, needs to be combined with modern society, so that it has new expression and value significance in contemporary times. For example, traditional opera art can be integrated into contemporary aesthetics and performance skills through creative adaptation and deduction to attract more young audiences’ attention and love. Secondly, we should pay attention to innovative development. The inheritance of traditional culture is not simply copying the form and content of the past, but innovating and developing according to the needs of the times and the development of society. For example, traditional festival culture can better adapt to modern people’s lifestyle and aesthetic needs by giving them new connotations and forms. Finally,Pay attention to education and training. Inheriting Chinese excellent traditional culture requires not only the support of the government and society, but also the participation and recognition of the broad masses of the people. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the education and cultivation of traditional culture so that more people can understand, love and inherit it.

Promote cultural pluralism, symbiosis, openness and tolerance. It is an important mission of a modern society to actively advocate the symbiosis and exchange of multi-cultures. In today’s era of globalization, it has become a trend that various cultures collide, merge and communicate with each other. It is our proper attitude to respect, tolerate and accept the differences between different cultures. First of all, cultural diversity is a valuable asset of human society. Every culture has its own unique values, customs, artistic expressions and traditional wisdom, which contains rich crystallization of human experience and wisdom. Respecting the differences between different cultures is not only a respect for human history, but also a respect for the future development of mankind. In a multicultural society, we should face and accept other cultures with an open mind. Through an open attitude, we can better understand and appreciate the uniqueness of other cultures. Learn its advantages from other cultures and enrich your vision and way of thinking. As an old saying goes, "absorb the strengths of a hundred schools of thought and achieve the rule of the future generations." Only with an open mind can we make continuous progress and development. Secondly, cultural exchange and integration is an important force to promote social progress. When different cultures communicate and merge, it can not only promote the understanding and friendship between cultures, but also stimulate new impetus for innovation and development. Just as scientists often use interdisciplinary methods in their research, cultural exchange and integration can also stimulate new ways of thinking and creativity. This kind of communication and integration not only contributes to cultural diversity, but also provides a powerful impetus for social prosperity and progress.Finally, promoting cultural diversity and prosperity requires everyone’s joint efforts. The government should formulate corresponding policies and regulations to protect and encourage the development of various cultures. Educational institutions should strengthen multicultural education and cultivate students’ cultural literacy and cross-cultural communication ability. The media should publicize the idea of multiculturalism and promote the exchange and understanding between different cultures. Everyone should treat different cultures with equality, respect and tolerance, and constantly improve their intercultural communication ability.

Promote cultural self-confidence and independent innovation. In order to cultivate people’s confidence and pride in their own culture, we need to take a series of measures to encourage people to actively participate in the creation and dissemination of culture from their own culture, so as to promote the independent development of culture. In the fields of cultural industry, cultural products and cultural science and technology, we should strengthen independent innovation and improve the core competitiveness of our own culture. First of all, we should strengthen the publicity and promotion of our own culture. Through various media channels, we will show our rich and diverse cultural heritage and let people know and feel the uniqueness of their own culture. At the same time, organize cultural activities and exhibitions so that people can participate in them personally and enhance their sense of identity with their own culture.

Secondly, people are encouraged to actively participate in cultural creation and dissemination from their own culture. By providing a good educational environment and opportunities, we will cultivate more cultural and creative talents. At the same time, support and encourage the development of cultural and creative industries, and provide more platforms for people to show their talents. Only by allowing more people to participate in the creation and dissemination of culture can our culture really flourish. Finally, in the fields of cultural industries, cultural products and cultural science and technology, we should strengthen independent innovation and improve the core competitiveness of our own culture. By increasing investment in cultural industries, we will cultivate more cultural enterprises and promote the rapid development of cultural industries. At the same time, we should encourage innovation and constantly introduce high-quality cultural products with our own cultural characteristics. It is necessary to strengthen the research and development of cultural science and technology and use scientific and technological means to enhance the productivity level of cultural industries.

Promote international exchange and integration of cultures. As a country with a long history and rich culture, China bears the heritage of traditional culture and unique values. It has become our mission to spread the voice of China culture to the world, and at the same time to listen to and understand the cultures of other countries and nations. First of all, cultural exchange and dialogue are important ways to enhance friendly relations between countries. Through communication, we can understand each other, tolerate and respect each other’s differences. This helps to eliminate misunderstandings and prejudices and cultivate mutual trust and friendship. When we display and spread China culture, we should also learn to listen to and understand the cultures of other countries and nationalities. Only through mutual respect and equal treatment can we achieve real cultural integration and common development. Secondly, international cultural exchange is not only a one-way transmission, but also a mutual exchange and interaction. We should actively participate in cultural festivals, exhibitions, art performances and other international cultural exchange activities to show China’s cultural charm and artistic quality. At the same time, we should keep a humble and open mind, learn from the excellent cultures of other countries and nations modestly, draw inspiration and experience from them, and enrich our own cultural connotation. Moreover, cultural exchange is not only carried out in the fields of art, music and movies, but also includes language, way of thinking and values. By learning other languages, we can better understand their cultural connotation and way of thinking. At the same time, we should spread China’s excellent cultural resources to the world, so that more people can understand and appreciate China’s culture and art. This will not only enhance China’s international image,It can also promote the development of cultural industries and inject new impetus into economic growth. Finally, international cultural exchange and integration is a long and complicated process. In this process, we should maintain an open and inclusive attitude, respect the cultural differences of different countries and nationalities, and pay attention to equal treatment and mutual benefit. Only through mutual understanding and cooperation can we jointly promote the development of world culture and contribute to the progress of human civilization.

To sum up, cultural self-confidence is an important part of a country’s soft power. Through the spread and exchange of culture, we can create a good image of the country and enhance its cultural soft power. At the same time, pay attention to the development of cultural industries, improve the quality and competitiveness of cultural products, and make them an important support for national economic development. Only by constantly enhancing cultural self-confidence can we better promote the development and prosperity of the country.

Author: Zhang Xuanxuan, associate professor of Marxism College of Wuhan Donghu University, this paper is the research result of the special task project of philosophy and social science research of Hubei Provincial Department of Education in 2023 "Research on the Path of Integrating Consciousness Education of Chinese Nation Community into Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities" [No.22Z73].

Source: Guangming Net

Ensure the health needs of "one old and one young", increase the supply of medical services and do our best to meet the needs of diagnosis and treatment.

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  CCTV News:Recently, the epidemic period of respiratory diseases in winter has been superimposed in many places across the country, and the demand for medical and health services for urban and rural residents, especially children, has increased significantly. The National Health and Wellness Commission recently issued a notice, requiring local grassroots medical and health institutions to provide health services for respiratory diseases in winter and spring, and do everything possible to tap resources to carry out pediatric diagnosis and treatment services.

  The "Notice" requires that grassroots medical and health institutions in all localities should be fully open to children, and should not refuse medical treatment, and timely release the list of grassroots medical and health institutions providing pediatric services in their jurisdictions. In urban community health service centers with large service demand, the pediatric diagnosis and treatment service will be delayed for 1-3 hours on weekdays, or the service hours will be increased on Saturdays and Sundays as appropriate. Township hospitals, community health service centers and community hospitals that meet the recommended standards of service capacity should take the lead in building independent pediatric clinics.

  All localities should establish cooperation, counterpart support and referral mechanisms between general hospitals and primary medical and health institutions under their jurisdiction, and determine the pediatric docking of a general hospital for community health service centers and township hospitals. Arrange doctors with intermediate or sub-high titles to visit primary medical and health institutions, strengthen the teaching training for primary medical staff, and especially help improve the service capabilities of pediatric emergency first aid, early identification of severe children, and pediatric venipuncture.

  General hospitals should reserve a certain proportion of outpatient number sources to give priority to primary medical and health institutions. Smooth referral channels, guide mild children to give priority to primary medical and health institutions, and refer them to primary medical and health institutions for follow-up treatment if there is a clear diagnosis and stable treatment in general hospitals. Guide the children to the nearest primary medical and health institutions for follow-up, and the general hospital will arrange special personnel to provide telemedicine or online consultation services.

  Give full play to the role of family doctors, do a good job in health management services for key populations, and ensure the health needs of "one old and one small". Grassroots medical and health institutions should keep the fever clinic "fully set up and fully open", equip the grassroots medical and health institutions with necessary facilities and equipment such as thermometers and children’s atomizing machines (children’s masks), and equip them with necessary drugs such as antibiotics, antiviral drugs, cough-relieving and expectorant drugs suitable for children.

Beauty cosmetics: research and development enhance product strength, and large single products tamp the moat.

Beauty cosmetics grow in differentiation and gain momentum in evolution: summary and prospect of 2021 annual report and 2022 first quarterly report

In 2021, A-share brand beauty enterprises showed high growth and strong consumption resilience as a whole; In 2022Q1, under the influence of local epidemic, the growth and profitability of various companies intensified and differentiated, and Betani/Huaxi/Polaiya performed significantly better than the industry. Looking forward to the whole year of 2022, it is expected that research and development will enhance the product strength, and large single products will consolidate the moat; Digging deep into the channel stock and actively grasping the increment are the common efforts of the industry. Huaxi Bio, Polaiya, Betani, Kos and Jiaheng Jahwa are mainly recommended.

▍ In 2021, six A-share brand beauty companies:

The operating income all achieved positive growth, with the total operating income of+33.1% year-on-year, and the growth rate of Huaxi biological functional skin care products ranked first, with+146.6%, showing high growth and strong consumption resilience as a whole; The total attributable net profit was+8.8% year-on-year, and Bettini’s growth rate was the highest, at+58.8%; The gross profit rate is 58.7% ~ 79.0%, and the gross profit rate of Zhonghua Xi biological skin care products ranks first; The overall sales expense rate is on the rise, among which the promotion expense accounts for the largest proportion in the expense breakdown, and the promotion expense rates of Huaxi/Polaiya/Betani are 36.3%/36.1%/31.1% respectively; The R&D expense ratio is 1.7% ~ 5.7%, and Huaxi’s R&D expense ratio far exceeds the industry average. The net interest rates of Betaine/Huaxi (overall)/Marumi/Polaiya are 21.5%/15.7%/13.5%/12.0% respectively. 2022Q1: The income, profit growth rate and profitability differentiation of brand companies have increased, and Betani/Huaxi/Polaiya performed significantly better than the industry.

▍ China beauty market: low penetration rate, low concentration, large room for single brand growth, multi-brand and collectivization are still in the initial stage.

According to Euromonitor data, in 2021, the per capita consumption of beauty care in China is about 405 yuan, and that in the United States/South Korea/Japan/Europe is about 1,995/1,630/1,597/1,248 yuan respectively; In 2021, the retail sales of beauty cosmetics and personal care in China will be about 33.3%, while those in Korea/the United States/Japan/Western Europe will be about 49.8%/41.1%/36.8%/35.8% respectively. In 2021, the market sales of L ‘Oré al Group, Estee Lauder Group and Shiseido Group in China were about 69.8 billion yuan, 30.8 billion yuan and 19.9 billion yuan respectively, while the leading enterprises in China generally did not exceed the terminal scale of 10 billion yuan. From the perspective of single brand, in 2021, the retail sales of L ‘Oré al Paris, Lancome and Estee Lauder in China market will be 23.4 billion yuan, 17.8 billion yuan and 15.8 billion yuan respectively, while the multi-brand and collectivization of China’s beauty products are generally still in the initial stage; In the next five years, China beauty brands will go to sea as the general trend; In 2021, the global sales of L ‘Oré al Group and Estee Lauder Group were 349.8 billion yuan and 126.8 billion yuan respectively. The global sales of single brand L ‘Oré al Paris was 92.1 billion yuan, Lancome was 43.4 billion yuan and Estee Lauder was 35.9 billion yuan.

▍ China Beauty Evolution and Trend: R&D enhances product strength, and large single products tamp the moat; Dig deep into the channel stock and actively grasp the increment.

At present, the consumption upgrade has temporarily encountered a phased bottleneck, consumers are more rational in purchasing beauty products, and product strength plays a more important role in purchasing decisions; After several years of accumulation, the product strength of local brands has generally increased. Huaxi Bio and Betani have driven product innovation with raw material innovation in their respective tracks, gradually forming China beauty features and consumer minds; Huaxi follows the path of "science → technology → product → brand", and it is expected to maintain the R&D expenditure rate of about 6% in the future, or create its own "Bose Cause" and "Pitera" of China beauty brand; Bettini strengthens the geographical "franchise value" based on the characteristic plants of Yunnan alpine-it is difficult to imitate, and it is even more impossible to copy. Polaiya’s big single product strategy has entered the harvest period, and Betani Winona, Huaxi Runbaiyan /BM Muscle Activity and other big single products have achieved remarkable results in promoting sales, raising profits and fixing stickiness. In 2021, the proportion of online income is: Proya 85% > Betani 82% > Huaxi Bio * 78% > Marubi 60% > shanghai jahwa 42%. As far as Amoy Department is concerned, the volume of local brands is still far lower than that of international head brands. Digging deep into Amoy Department and grasping emerging channels such as Tik Tok are the common paths for local leaders to continue to increase their share.

▍ Risk factors:

Under the repeated local epidemic, residents’ willingness to buy declined, affecting optional consumption such as beauty; International brands make great efforts to promote sales through multiple channels, eroding the share of local brands; New product sales failed to meet expectations; Traffic, product promotion, etc. erode performance.

▍ Investment strategy.

Looking forward to the whole year of 2022, the local beauty industry chain in China will continue to evolve and move forward: although the growth rate of the industry has slowed down, the growth rate is still in the forefront of all kinds of consumer goods, and there is a broad space for a long time.

Main line 1: Relying on R&D and track product strength, strong operational capability, emerging channels and other factors, the differentiation will be further enhanced, and multi-brand and collectivization will also enter a new stage. Huaxi Bio (functional skin care products maintain high growth and profitability tends to improve), Polaiya (big single product strategy enters the harvest period, and the second brand Caitang grows at a high speed) and Betaine (main brand Winona has high barriers and is a new brand. It is suggested to pay attention to the development of Marubi and Lushang.

Main line 2: With the implementation of the new regulations, the beauty supply chain has greatly improved the industry threshold, and the concentration trend is upward. It is mainly recommended that Kesi shares, the beneficiary of the new regulations at the raw material end, and Jiaheng Jahwa, the beneficiary of the improvement of the competitive pattern.

This article comes from financial circles.

Durant was retired with at least three jerseys? This is a fable. Is Thunder the first to disagree?

Durant is one of the greatest scorers in NBA history and one of the most influential stars in active service. He once played for four teams: Thunder, Warriors, Suns and Nets, and each team left its own glory. Some people think that Durant’s jerseys should be retired by all three teams in recognition of his contributions and achievements. But is it really possible?

First of all, we should make it clear that retiring jerseys is not an easy task. It requires not only the consent of the players themselves, but also the approval of the team management, and even the feelings of the fans. Retired jerseys are the highest honor and the greatest respect. It means that the players have an indelible position and influence in that team, and it also means that the team has deep feelings and trust for the players.

So, Durant in the four teams, which team is most likely to retire his jersey? I think the answer is the Nets.

The Suns are Durant’s current team and the team he was traded to join. Durant showed his charisma and superstar strength in the Nets. He led the Nets to the Eastern Conference finals and created amazing data and performance in the confrontation with the Bucks. Although he didn’t win the championship in the end, Durant has won the admiration and love of all the staff and fans of the Nets. If Durant can remain healthy and at a high level in the Nets and lead the Nets to win the championship, then it is very possible that his jersey will be retired by the Nets.

Secondly, the Warriors may also retire Durant’s jersey. After all, Durant spent the most brilliant three seasons of his career in the Warriors. He helped the Warriors win the championship twice in a row and won the finals MVP twice. He played a historical level of efficiency and firepower in the Warriors, and also made the Warriors a dynasty-level team. Although Durant caused some controversy and dissatisfaction when he left the Warriors in 2019, Warriors management and coach Cole expressed their gratitude and respect for Durant and hinted that he might retire his No.35 jersey in the future.

Finally, Thunder is the last team to retire Durant’s jersey. Although Durant played the first nine seasons of his career in the Thunder and led the Thunder to the finals, he left the Thunder in an unacceptable way in 2016 and joined the sworn enemy warriors at that time. This move made Thunder fans and management feel betrayed and angry, and also completely broke the relationship between Durant and Thunder. Even though Durant later expressed his nostalgia and gratitude to Thunder, neither Thunder fans nor management forgave him, nor did they forget him. Therefore, it is impossible and inappropriate for Thunder to retire Durant’s jersey.

To sum up, it is a fable that Durant was retired at least three jerseys, and Thunder was the first to disagree. Durant can only win such honor in the Nets or Warriors, but it also requires him to continue to create glory and history in these two teams. Durant is a great player, but he is also a controversial player. Whether his jersey can be retired depends on his own choice and performance.

Congratulations to the rocket! Five people join together! From the fishing team to the playoffs, the western giants should be careful.

In this offseason, the league still produced several heavy deals. For example, Paul moved from the Sun to the Wizards, and finally went to the Warriors to join the Treasury. Jinzhou is expected to rebuild its peak. For example, Bill joined the Sun to form the Luxury Big Four, and Aiton+Durant+Booker+Bill, and the offensive firepower output was directly filled. For example, Smart, the soul of the Green Army, was traded to the Grizzlies without warning, accompanied by Gewei. Next season, there are still quite a few league giants, and everyone is the favorite to win the championship. Especially in the west, the Lakers, Clippers, Suns and Warriors are all big teams with many superstars, while the teams such as Nuggets, Grizzlies and Lone Rangers also have the strength to win the championship. Ran Ran, a new star like Thunder and Kings, has risen, but the Spurs and Rockets are not ruined.

In this offseason, the Spurs selected the No.1 pick, Wenbanyama, and the idea of building a team in the future gradually became clear. At the same time, they also made some signings adjustments in the offseason, introducing Payne, Brock, Osman and other instant fighting forces. They also had the core scoring points of Kelden Johnson and wasser, including Champoni, who was abandoned by the 76ers last season. They were also successful in Taobao by the Spurs and were reborn after being transferred to the Spurs. This year’s Summer League also made people shine. Although their whole team is very young, but the tactical system is quite perfect, strong discipline, after all, with the traditional heritage of the old school strong team. Next season, the Spurs may not rise, but in another two or three years, they will definitely grow into a playoff team, posing some threats to other teams in the West.

Compared with the Spurs, the Rockets made more moves in this offseason. Their several large-scale signings are a bit unbelievable. They signed Van fleet for $130 million in three years, Dillon Brooks for $80 million in four years and Sun backup center Landale for $32 million in four years. Now it is a bit exaggerated. Van fleet is just an all-star marginal player, and he is still the least popular small defender in the league market. His age is not small, with more than 40 million yuan a year. Most fans feel that it is not very cost-effective. Dillon Brooks almost lost his worth last season, always doing things inside and outside the field, and once fell to a situation where there is no ball to play. Unexpectedly, the Rockets offered him a big contract close to 100 million yuan. Landale is 32 million yuan in four years, which, to be honest, is a little expensive, but it is acceptable.

As a team dominated by young players, the Rockets must change their goals by signing these players with a high salary. While training new players next season, they should pay attention to their own achievements and go all out to attack the playoffs. For the Rockets boss, money is certainly not a problem. What is more important is to maximize the salary space of the team and build a suitable lineup, which is more conducive to the development of young players. In the first two seasons, the Rockets were all young people. The team didn’t have any tactical system, and the players’ discipline was not strong. All of them were mainly singles. Now, after introducing a group of more experienced players, the Rockets will not have these problems again next season. Now, the rockets’ reinforcement is not over yet, and they have introduced a large number of excellent players through signing contracts.

The Houston Rockets officially announced that the team has signed a number of players, including Nate Hinton, Matthew Mayer, Joshua Obisi, Jermaine Semoores, and Nate Williams. They are basically young guards and have certain room for improvement. Among them, Matthew and Hinton performed very well in the summer league. They signed a training camp contract with Exhibit 9 clause (if the player is injured, he can be laid off without changing the player contract into guaranteed), and Obisi signed an NBA standard contract. Moores signed a two-way contract. Congratulations to the rocket! Five people join together! From the fishing team to the playoffs, the western giants should be careful. Since Harden left the rocket, the rocket has officially entered the reconstruction journey, which lasted for a long time.

Now, the Rockets are finally getting rid of the ranks of the fishbone team. With their current lineup, it is completely possible to attack the playoffs. In the future, the Rockets can play around the two cores, jabari Smith and Jay Green. Xiaobo will probably be traded out, and his role will slightly overlap with other young cores of the Rockets. It’s hard to say who will stand out from the western theater next season! It is estimated that the Spurs will have to paddle for another year, and the Trailblazers will see whether they want to trade Lillard. If Lee does not go, I believe he will not give up this team. With the current lineup, Utah Jazz has some difficulties in trying to hit the playoffs. Besides, other teams in the West, it’s really a fairy fight, showing their talents. Is there any chance for traditional giants to break through themselves?