Skipping rope, running and jumping, which is more efficient in burning fat? Which sport do you choose to lose weight?

Skipping rope, running and jumping, which is more efficient in burning fat? Which sport do you choose to lose weight?

In fitness training, skipping, running and jumping are common aerobic exercises, which can improve activity metabolism and promote the decline of body fat rate.

Then, skipping, running, and jumping together can all burn fat effectively. Which one is more effective? Below, let’s discuss it.

1. Skipping rope: The fat burning effect is good.

Skipping rope is a good aerobic exercise, which can exercise heart and lung function, promote blood circulation and burn fat effectively. According to research, skipping rope for one hour can burn about 800-900 calories, which is quite amazing.

If your weight base is not too big, and you want to keep your muscles in the process of losing weight, you can choose skipping rope for training, and you can move in trivial time. The fat burning efficiency is higher than running.

2. Running: the most classic fat burning exercise.

Running is the most classic aerobic exercise, which can effectively burn fat and enhance cardiopulmonary function. An hour’s running can burn about 600 calories. Moreover, running can strengthen the muscles of the lower body and have a good shaping effect on beautiful legs.

Running is suitable for beginners’ introductory training, and the threshold is relatively low. Just prepare a pair of sports shoes and you can run at any time. You can match your own speed according to your physical endurance, run 3-5 kilometers every day, and then slowly increase the running kilometers after a period of time.

3, the opening and closing jump: small movements have great effects

Opening jump is a good aerobic exercise, which can exercise cardiopulmonary function and enhance the strength of lower limb muscles. Although the opening jump is very small, its fat burning effect is not bad. One hour of opening jump can burn about 600 calories.

Opening and closing jumps can be practiced at home without much time, which is very suitable for people who are usually busy with work and don’t have enough time to exercise.

Generally speaking, skipping, running and opening jump have the same fat burning effect.Which kind of exercise to choose depends mainly on one’s physique and hobbies.

If you like dancing, then the opening and closing dance is a good choice; If you like outdoor sports, then running is the most suitable; If you want to do sports at home, skipping rope is the most convenient choice. In short, as long as you choose the exercise that suits you and stick to it, you will definitely get a good fat burning effect.


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