Computer Vision Summit will employ papers on 3D lane line detection technology in the field of automatic driving.

Computer Vision Summit will employ papers on 3D lane line detection technology in the field of automatic driving.

Titanium Media App March 9 news, computer vision summit CVPR 2023 released the list. BEV-LaneDet: A Simple and Effective 3D Lane Detection Baseline, submitted by the technical team of Mimo Zhixing Artificial Intelligence Center, was selected as CVPR2023. This paper mainly expounds the efficient and robust monocular 3D lane detection technology independently developed by Mimo Zhixing, referred to as Bev-Lane Det. 3D lane detection is a hot topic in the field of autonomous driving, which plays a vital role in vehicle path selection. In the past, related technologies were often difficult to be applied because of its complex spatial transformation and inflexible representation of 3D lanes.


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