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The secret of live e-commerce delivery was made clear 100 years ago.

In the era of live e-commerce, people are the media, people are the channels, and people are re-becoming the entrance of the next generation of transactions, and the key to this transaction is knowledge distribution, trust agency and personality connection.

In 1904, Albert Lasker, CEO of Lord Thomas, the third largest advertising company in the United States, received a small note from the doorman when attending a salon:

"I’m downstairs in this party salon. I can tell you what an advertisement is. I know you don’t know …"

John Kennedy, who was born in the Canadian Mounted Police, wrote three words for Lasker:

Sales in Print (paper marketing)

Advertising is a salesman in a two-dimensional world. John F. Kennedy established the law of copywriting according to the standards of excellent salesmen and decided how advertisements should speak to consumers.

Paper sales promotion, these three English words fundamentally changed the advertising theory and set a clear standard for the advertising industry. Lasker later said: "When writing advertising history, the first name that must be written is John Kennedy. To this day, the principle he has set has always been the criterion of every copywriter. "

Since advertising is paper sales promotion, what is live e-commerce? Actually, it’s video marketing.

"All advertising cases, there are hidden personal selling skills behind them, and all advertisements should be based on this. Standing at the door talking to a housewife has a lot in common with having a heart-to-heart conversation with her under the night light. The same salesman is applicable everywhere, and advertising is just a sales promotion on paper … The principle of advertising is no different from the principle of personal sales promotion. "

Claude Hopkins, the successor president of Lord Thomas, said.

(Lasker and Hopkins)

Whether you are writing advertising copy or doing live broadcast with goods, you should learn those classic sales principles like an excellent product salesman.

Today, when the whole people are rushing to broadcast live, Li Jiaqi and Viya can firmly hold their heads. It is very important that Li Jiaqi once worked as a teller of Nanchang Maybelline, while Viya himself opened a physical clothing store. Both of them have had face-to-face sales experience with customers, so they also know how to communicate with customers in front of the screen and how to impress them and arouse their desire to buy.

On the other hand, the live broadcast of stars, even though they often face the camera and have excellent performance talent, are often mediocre in carrying goods, and there are even many cases of rollover.

This just shows the difference between sales promotion and performance. It doesn’t mean that if you are good-looking and can speak and act, you will definitely be able to do a good job in live broadcast.

"They forget the identity of a salesman and try to become an actor, not trying to sell hard but seeking applause … Successful salesmen are rarely eloquent, they have almost no charm of speech, and some are only understanding of consumers and products, as well as unpretentious character and a sincere heart."

As one of the most outstanding copywriters in the history of advertising, Hopkins established his own method of advertising and copywriting in full accordance with the salesman’s practice. Even though nearly 100 years have passed, looking back at Hopkins’ remarks and opinions, I think it is still of great guiding significance today, especially for the live broadcast back to that marketing era, because human nature is unchanging.

At the beginning of business, salesmen are the intermediary between products and users. They bring samples and product catalogues and knock on the doors of thousands of households, so that sales can be achieved and enterprises can survive.

But this kind of one-on-one door-to-door sales also has great limitations, that is, low efficiency and high cost. Therefore, mass media and specialized distribution channels that can quickly cover the whole country have emerged. The media transmits product information and the channels provide trading occasions, which are distinct from each other. In order to achieve sales, what enterprises have to do is to advertise in the media while opening stores and distributing goods through channels.

Media+channel has replaced the important value of salesman in finding customers and become the intermediary between products and users. The salesman is only responsible for the customer’s arrival at the store. This is the era of traditional marketing.

With the advent of the Internet, new e-commerce channels have been born and new media forms have emerged. With the empowerment of new channels and new media, people’s value has been pushed up again. The user connection between media and channels is "one-to-many", while the traditional way of communication and sales promotion is "one-to-one". The advantage of "one-on-one" is that it is more accurate, easier to win the trust of customers and establish a lasting relationship; And its disadvantage is low efficiency. But now with the internet, people can easily realize "one-to-many", and although it is "one-to-many" communication, it can make consumers have "one-to-one" experience and emotional connection. This is something that mass media and channels can’t do. No one will think that the media only talks to themselves.

People are the media and people are the channels. The popularity of marketing concepts, including Wechat business, private domain traffic, KOL and KOC, all point to the same conclusion-people are becoming the trading entrance of the next generation again. If we regard people as the entrance to the next generation of transactions, then the key to the transaction is three points:

  1. Knowledge distribution
  2. Trust agent
  3. Personality connection

The more you talk, the better you sell. This is an unquestionable truth for live delivery.

After Luo Yonghao’s live broadcast in Tik Tok, some people said that Lao Luo had created a new business model. Enterprises asked him to live broadcast not to sell goods, but to broadcast advertisements and expose brands. Lao Luo could transform brand speakers and help brands tell stories by crosstalk. But the problem is, if it’s not about shopping or buying cheap goods, who wants to listen to you read the product manual every day?

Hopkins said:

"Only people who are interested in our products will read our advertisements. No matter how long or short the advertisement is, no one will read it as a pastime. Therefore, we should regard the advertiser as a potential customer who is asking for information from you, and give him enough product information to make him pay for his consumption. "

If the live broadcast of online celebrity only talks about good products, lacks in-depth understanding of the products, and can’t provide professional product knowledge to help consumers make purchase decisions, then the effect of bringing goods will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. Lao Luo’s live broadcast, especially the first two live broadcasts, has proved this point.

There are many beauty bloggers, and Li Jiaqi’s success lies in his early focus on lipstick segmentation. It is precisely because of his rich professional knowledge in lipstick that he can make a million dollars in Tik Tok just by a short video of color test. His Tik Tok and lipstick videos accounted for more than 70% in the early days. There is a "lipstick brother" first, and today’s live broadcast is the king of goods.

Drucker said:

"Knowledge is the only meaningful resource today". For marketing, knowledge is productivity, and knowledge is the power to move people’s hearts.

You know, curiosity is the strongest motivation of human beings. And fresh knowledge can just arouse people’s curiosity and make people have the impulse to buy and try.

Hopkins advertises the full cereal product of Quaker cereal, so he won’t write that this cereal is attractive in color, delicious in smell and delicious in taste. These common information can’t arouse people’s curiosity to try Quaker at all. "Full Grain" has been advertised in this way for many years, but the result is more and more disappointing.

Hopkins, on the other hand, went to the factory to observe the grain production process, and then he wrote a slogan: "Food from the gun"-the grain expanded to eight times its usual size, each grain suffered 125 thousand steam explosions, and the food was ejected from the pole …

Everyone who read the advertisement of full grain wanted to see and taste these grains with their own eyes, and finally they became loyal consumers of Quaker.

These advertisements introducing the knowledge of grain production have become the most successful advertisements in the food field in the United States, and also make full grains the most attractive products in the breakfast food industry.

So if you come to bring a breakfast cereal, what do you say?

What you want to talk about is the production process of cereal, the eating methods and benefits of cereal, and the healthy and fashionable breakfast culture. Instead of boasting that "my cereal is good" and selfish "don’t buy other people’s cereal, buy mine".

These two are the biggest drawbacks of the advertising industry today.

The value of knowledge is to present the information that customers want, to share what benefits products can bring to users, and to provide services and convenience to customers. You know, the purpose of marketing is to arouse the needs of consumers. And where does the demand come from? A small part comes from our instinct and physiological desire, and most of the rest comes from knowledge.

For example, if you read a book about the history of photography, you will have a demand for SLR cameras. You know the history and craft of LV, and you want to have LV bags. You studied Apple’s brand story and Jobs’ life experience, and you became a fruit fan.

So if I’m going to do a live broadcast with goods, what will I choose?

I think I have the most experience and expertise in craft beer and suits. Because I read a book about craft beer myself and learned about the history and culture of craft beer before I came to into the pit. I have drunk hundreds of different flavors of craft beer; Punch in most fine wines in Beijing; I have read many books on beer tasting and technology in the market; I bought a variety of beer mug sets and studied how different beers should be matched with wine glasses; I wrote a highly praised answer about craft beer in Zhihu.

(from the real-life shooting in this space)

I have full confidence and confidence. When I share the knowledge of fine brewing with you, you will be curious about fine brewing and want to buy it. Because that’s what I do to people around me.

Knowledge creates demand.At least, only a wealth of knowledge can support you to talk for hours in the live broadcast room, so that the audience will be interested in you and willing to listen all the time, instead of being sleepy and uninterested. With rich knowledge, the live broadcast will not become boring noise. In the final analysis, knowledge is to show products in a dramatic and infectious way, rather than just saying that products are good.

When it comes to live broadcast, many people will say that this is just a replica of TV shopping. Holding this view of conformity will not help you deepen your understanding of live broadcast, and if you do live broadcast according to the game of TV shopping, it is a high probability to capsize. The reason why TV shopping collapses itself is that it has three great disadvantages:

  • First, exaggerated functional ingredients and product principles, especially in weight loss, beauty, breast enhancement, height enhancement and medical care products, the magic of product principles and functions is simply staggering;
  • The second is false expert testimony and consumer testimony, which proves how the product is. In popular terms, this is trust;
  • The third is the chaotic pricing system. The original price is 999, and now the purchase price is only 99. The difference between the two is unbelievable. In addition, E-purchase has invented a lot of price terms, such as shocking price, special price, membership price, VIP price, this program price, limited purchase price and so on.

This led to the loss of the trust of the audience and became synonymous with fraud and counterfeiting. In fact, these disadvantages are not unique to TV shopping, but occur from time to time in today’s major grass planting platforms. If the live broadcast also plays with false prices and exaggerates functions, it will not be far from death today when information transmission is more developed.

Let’s talk about the price first The commercial essence of live broadcast with goods is low-price promotion. For consumers, cheapness is a basic driving force for watching live broadcasts. The core reason why Li Jiaqi and Viya are strong is that they can get competitive prices as the head traffic and remain strong in the supply chain. Bargaining ability+product selection ability+online celebrity IP constitute the core competitiveness of the head anchor, which other anchors do not have.

Then, for enterprises, if they blindly find the head anchor to cooperate and hit the market with low prices, then enterprises will soon lose users’ perception of normal prices; And if enterprises blindly regard live broadcast as a tool to clear inventory, it is easy to lose users’ trust.

Price is always a double-edged sword, which is why in the past hundred years, marketing experts and brand experts have opposed the repeated low-price promotion by enterprises. If enterprises do not rely on low prices to detonate, it depends on the quality, uniqueness and differentiation of the products themselves. But to win the trust of consumers, don’t brag and exaggerate. Listen to Hopkins:

"Don’t brag, don’t brag about your own company or your products, and don’t brag about the features that you are interested in but customers don’t care much. Bragging is disgusting. "

"Don’t brag about yourself, you are selling goods instead of selling yourself. Clear purpose, straight to the point, and concise language as much as possible. Every sentence should make your customers feel your sincerity. "

"Don’t try to entertain the public, this is not the purpose of your advertisement (live broadcast). If you are looking for entertainment, people will watch entertainment news directly, and the only fun you can provide is to promote the goods they want. "

In today’s Taobao live broadcast, agricultural products are in full swing, and farmer online celebrity has created great energy and business. Why are those new farmers who are born and raised more able to win the trust of the audience and place orders? This is a question worth thinking about.

Today’s marketing is entering an era of what you see is what you get. The functions of media and channels have been integrated, such as Taobao today, which is both an e-commerce channel and a content media. So is Tik Tok, so is Little Red Book, and so is WeChat official account+applet. There is no longer a time limit between "marketing" and "selling". Consumers can buy it after reading it, and buy it while watching it. Unlike in the past, I watched an advertisement today and had to wait for a few days to go to the supermarket to buy it. This leads to the fact that the core of traditional marketing is to let consumers remember and understand, so that they can remember the brand when they go shopping and the sales can be achieved. In an era of what you see is what you get, the core of marketing has become to let consumers act immediately, buy immediately and spend impulsively.

Therefore, for live selling, the most important thing is to create an immersive sense of the scene for consumers. Let consumers naturally enter a shopping scene when watching the live broadcast, just as they go shopping in the mall online. Live broadcast should make consumers feel comfortable, comfortable and have no doubts, so that they will not search for information to learn more in a very short decision-making time, and will not directly place an order for the price and similar products.

This requires the anchor to exert his personality charm and help consumers create a good buying experience. As Viya said in an interview, live broadcast is a kind of companionship. Yes, live broadcast is a kind of companionship, and it is not just for consumers to buy it in buy buy.

Where does personality charm come from?

Personality charm = Yan value image+personality ability+expression style

Face value and image are the basis of charm. Qing Shao ran said in "Pillow Grass":

"Said the teacher must be beautiful appearance. People naturally look at his face and listen attentively, and the value of the scriptures will be remembered. If you look elsewhere, you will suddenly forget what you have heard, so the ugly monk feels guilty of making the audience listen to ungodly. "

Even monks are required to give lectures, so it is not necessary to say that live broadcasts bring goods. Of course, this is not to say that ordinary-looking people can’t do live broadcast, but to design the corresponding personal style according to their own looks and images, and the unique style creates charm. After all, a man with five big and three thick, you can’t stand the establishment of a country and a beautiful young man.

Just like Lao Luo, he used to be an angry youth when he was doing training and running a website. Since I made a mobile phone, changed my hairstyle, changed my glasses, tidied up my clothes, and managed my expression well, the original cynical temperament immediately turned into a gentle craftsman image. This is a very good person.

I think the image of Mr. Luo is suitable for bringing goods to some scientific and technological products, products with originality and design sense.

To find your own style, it also includes the use of language and pet phrases, such as mentioning "Oh My God", "All girls" and "Buy it". Everyone knows who these words refer to. Including giving yourself certain characteristics, such as beef brother always wearing a hat.

But in the final analysis, the establishment of style should start from one’s own personality and universal humanity. Don’t exaggerate for the sake of exaggeration, and don’t do something that makes most people feel uncomfortable and embarrassed in order to attract attention. This style may attract traffic and attention, but it is difficult to bring purchases. For ordinary consumers, shopping is a serious matter. Consumers are not fools. They are smart, careful and not credulous. They may watch videos about Guevara, but they will never buy a battery car with his goods.

"Put on a clown’s hat, you may get people’s attention, but your sales prospects will also be ruined."

Remember Hopkins’ advice.

Empty-handed, WeChat official account: Empty-handed (ID: Firesteal13), everyone is a product manager columnist. He has been an advertiser for 12 years, director of strategy group of Guangdong Advertising Group, and tutor of master students in Advertising Department of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.

This article was originally published by everyone as a product manager, and it is forbidden to reprint without permission.

The title map comes from Pexels and is based on CC0 protocol.

The law of e-commerce for car live broadcast: "Three Want and Three Don’t"

Following the fire of Liu Genghong fitness live broadcast, Oriental Selection also dominated the whole network by means of live education with goods. At the moment of repeated epidemic, most industries entered the cold winter, but the live broadcast was in full swing.

In the automobile industry, live broadcast has brought new opportunities to the online marketing of automobile manufacturers. Compared with the traditional offline promotion and advertising, live e-commerce is more economical, efficient and comprehensive in terms of car viewing and car selection.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

According to the survey, nearly 60% of the respondents also said that before buying the next car, they would be more inclined to screen their early targets by live broadcast or short video.Thus, live e-commerce is expected to become the latest way for China auto companies to get customers.

Live e-commerce has brought to the automotive industry"New Channels", "New Models" and "New Efficiency"Opportunities, stimulate the potential demand of young users, can promote the rapid outbreak of products. Especially in the epidemic environment,Live e-commerce has become a highland for automobile brands to spread their market influence.

At present, the car live broadcast is still in the period of dividend growth, and various car manufacturers have entered the market one after another. From products to technology, from culture to brand, the marketing "competition" has gradually escalated. In the booming era of live broadcast, how to maximize the value of car live broadcast e-commerce, the following"Three Want and Three Don’t"The principle hopes to bring some thoughts to the industry.

Let’s talk about "three essentials" first. Which "three essentials" do you mean specifically?

In the past, car companies made an offline press conference, that is, invited hundreds of media to gather in one place, held a huge press conference, and then spread the information about the listing or release of new cars through various media.

In the era of live broadcast, car companies have become the largest new media platform, and family matrix operation of "new products" has become a new choice for online marketing. For car companies,Through the matrix account, the vertical domain can be subdivided, different business paths can be completed, and the cost of content production and operation can be reduced.

The common matrix account layout consists of brand master account number, brand matrix number, employee number/president number and dealer number/store number. The brand DNA, brand tonality and visual style of the account matrix can be consistent, but the core content of each matrix account should be expanded around the core population and goods, and the function and positioning of the matrix account should also be differentiated and diversified.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

Take one plus one used car as an example: the main account creates an IP "one plus one car", which only sells one-price boutique used cars, the secondary account "one plus one story meeting" takes pictures of employees’ daily life, the in-store sales, the anchor establishes the employee number "Luo G", and after opening up a new business second-hand name list, the "one plus one little cousin" account is created, each account has an independent person in charge, and then it is uniformly drained to the main account live broadcast room.

As a young China automobile brand, Auchan Automobile is the first one.“1+3+N+X”Live mode."1" refers to an official main account; "3" refers to 3 sub-accounts; "N" refers to about 20 head dealers who are doing well in the field of live broadcast at present. In the planning of Auchan Automobile, this N will reach 100; "X" means that all dealers must have the ability to carry goods live.

Through the family matrix operation, Changan Auchan began to plan daily live broadcasts, transform into auto show media coverage groups, and participate in large-scale live broadcasts of various node brands, relying on the efforts of brand parties, KOL and media, as well as hundreds of dealers and Auchan sales champions.

In the previous pre-sale of Changan Auchan Z6, it was broadcast live through a 12-hour press conference and realized.2309 sets of 2299 yuan large order.. These 2309 large orders directly exceeded5.3 million live broadcast deal, more indirectly realized Changan Auchan.The sales amount of more than 300 millionThis also provides a solid and powerful case for family matrix operation of new products.

After the matrix construction of automobile live broadcast is completed and the brand volume is effectively expanded, how to make the brand unique in the minds of consumers has become an urgent problem for the brand.

Brands do live marketing, and use direct ways and opportunities to communicate with users in depth, which can not onlyDeepen the deep links between brands and users., not badFurther improve marketing transformation.

In the live broadcast, the anchor often talks about "family …", but cars are different from other daily products, and it is not just a few words of "family" that can attract consumers to place orders.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

Automobile consumption has the characteristics of low frequency, high customer unit price and long decision-making chain, so it is not as easy to carry goods as FMCG. With these thoughts, Changan Auchan chose to start from the periphery. In the blind subscription live broadcast of Auchan Z6, she realized emotional connection with users and planted grass through car models and other commodities, and the viewing volume of the live broadcast for 2 hours broke through.2 million person-times, blind order arrival2887 sets, not only completed the acquisition of customers, but also established brand goodwill, laying the foundation for successful delivery.

After continuous innovation and exploration, Changan Auchan chose to pass."Emotional Grass Planting"Establishing initial contact with users has also deepened consumers’ understanding of Changan Auchan brand and products. In this process, we can’t think that a live broadcast can be "popular". It is very important to manage expectations in advance, otherwise more haste, less speed.

In addition, compared with other car companies, some car companies will spend a lot of money to invite star platforms and then hold a lively press conference online. Most of Auchan’s live broadcasts don’t invite traffic stars, and all Auchan’s anchors come from employees and users. And such an anchor without a star aura has increased consumers’ sense of trust and intimacy, allowing employees to connect users and users to connect users, making the audience feel that the people in the live broadcast room are themselves!

Let the "viewers" before the live broadcast have the opportunity to become "participants" in the live broadcast and truly embrace users, so as to drive more users into the brand marketing construction.

Expand the volume of live broadcast with family matrix to embrace users and build deep communication links between brands and users. Next, what the live broadcast needs to do is to attract users in the content value and trigger emotional resonance between the brand and users.

For live broadcast, IP has gradually become a new tool or new way of brand building.Create a distinctive style and high-quality IP content,Can have valuable interaction with users, and then win more people’s love and continuous attention.

Successful IP will be deeply rooted in people’s hearts, leaving a deep impression on the audience’s hearts, and there are emotional resonance points that can touch people’s hearts, such as "buy it, buy it" and "come on, buddy", which are very distinctive IP.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

Taking Xpeng Motors’s "Pengke Planet" as an example, the protagonist Pengke brothers explored the virtual world of interstellar desolation and science fiction in the meta-universe from the first-person perspective, making the audience watching the live broadcast feel as if they were there, creating a live broadcast scene that users have never seen before, which not only increased the brand’s exposure, but also locked in the young group pursuing technology, trends and freshness.

Changan Auchan has also concentrated its advantages in building a brand user image and created two anchor IPS, one isYounger Tiantuan, and the other isYouth car group.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

Take "Younger" as an example. They are ordinary female employees who work for Changan Auchan or dealers, but they are also one of the many "super goods delivery officers" bred under the new digital retail system of Changan Auchan.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

In the test drive of Changan Auchan Z6 Hainan in June, the Younger Open Group was formally assembled. Through the local customs and tourism culture of Hainan, it came into close contact with Auchan, and the audience learned the product strength of Auchan Z6 in a scene while traveling with Younger Group.

The youth said that the car group is also composed of Auchan employees and dealers’ male employees. Through professional introduction and data analysis, the audience can get the latest information of the products most intuitively.

Through live IP, users will not be limited by time and space after Changan Auchan opens the center and sales of the Meta-Universe. Using IP to establish brand values, arouse users’ resonance, and establish deep emotional links with users, thus further enhancing users’ goodwill towards brands, truly turning users into loyal fans of brands, and making users willing to "pay the bill" for their favorite brands, and on this basis, promoting users to realize consumption transformation.

The above content is the "three essentials" principle of car live broadcast. Next, let’s see what the "three don ‘ts" are.

Car live broadcast is the general trend, but it is not advisable to follow the trend. For some car companies that have just entered the market, in addition to learning from experienced peers, they need to do more rules and games on the live broadcast platform to fully understand the current industry hotspots and consumers’ thinking and preferences.

Live car broadcastInstead of simply moving content from offline to online.It requires adoption in the context of the current "internet plus"Multimedia, artificial intelligence, VR and other technologies.Provide power support,Ensure that the ultimate experience is presented to users without discount.

Fun car live broadcast should break through the limitations of traditional live performances, create a new experience space by using internet thinking through the high integration of virtual and real performance content and digital presentation, and explore new formats and new normal of automobile marketing. In this context, the era of "meta-universe" has begun.

Recently, many press conferences in the automobile circle have made use of the concept of meta-universe, and they have also unveiled their own virtual images of digital people. For example, Gong, the first digital employee of Changan Automobile, Ida and Changan Auchan, the guests of FAW-Volkswagen Meta-Universe, created Xiaoou as the navigator, and Hijiajia, the owner of Baidu Digital Man, also took the opportunity to appear.

With the continuous development of technology, car live broadcast will be a digital, intelligent and experiential platform. With the full help of mobile internet, Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence, in addition to realizing the basic functions of offline information exchange, dissemination and experience, it will realize the complementarity and linkage between online and offline cars through many emerging technologies.

At the once large-scale auto show site, in order to attract people, various booths have various large-scale car models. With the increasingly standardized rules of the auto show, the main body of the auto show has returned to the car itself. However, with the arrival of live car broadcast, this bottomless phenomenon has also moved from offline to online. In the current fan economy, in order to keep the audience, the anchors began to use surprise to win. All kinds of strange tricks are compared to who is bolder and who is more different than who.

Similar problems will occur in the car live broadcast room nowadays. In the listing conference, car companies oftenThe promotion method of "exaggeration"Use public opinion to build influence and increase the volume of communication. Dealers often attract consumers to place an order and deliver the intended deposit in the process of watching the live broadcast through promotional means, exaggerated discount gimmicks and other publicity means.

As for the situation that some car companies exaggerate the product performance and quality in their external publicity language,Legal sources said that words such as "best" and "complete" were suspected of violating the advertising law.Whether it is an open press conference or a promotion of goods or services through online platforms, including live broadcasts, once such communication is involved, automobile operators may face the risk of being punished by market supervision and management departments.

Therefore, while live broadcast marketing is becoming more and more popular, there are also some consumption traps, which cannot harm consumers’ rights and interests, otherwise it will not be worth the loss, and it will also affect the brand image of car companies themselves.

Liu Genghong, the former "fitness guru", followed by Dong Yuhui, a "bilingual genius", occupied the top stream with excellent professional quality. Therefore, the live broadcast track will always win with "quality", and it is possible to "circle" at different levels.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

The fan economy is also a traffic economy. Live broadcast without a bottom line by blog eyeballs is nothing more than to improve the conversion of traffic. This method is also not desirable.

In the past,"Flow is king"Everyone is keen on investing in traffic stars, rubbing hot topics, and smashing resources on the platform in exchange for traffic. Many enterprises do not hesitate to spend huge sums of money on traffic, users skyrocket and financing continues, as if it is "politically correct" to smash resources for traffic.

At present, the traffic volume of "more than enough porridge" is everywhere, and there are more and more participants in the live broadcast track. In addition, with the increase of economic cost of traffic, the first half of traffic has come to an end, and the second half of the new traffic era will beRefined operation, content value and user experience are the key points of assessment.

As the saying goes, people come and go in a hurry in the world. Instead of being ostentatious and relying on gimmicks to attract the world to look at you more, it is better to use the real thing and let her "stay". Then, through emotional planting, we will continue to strengthen user relations and make friends with users sincerely, so as to turn traffic into retention.

People’s Daily Overseas Edition once commented: "Only by making content with your heart can you infect the audience. Without the blessing of high-quality content, traffic is just traffic. " Each car company, whose ecology is more complete, whose content is more valuable, who can truly treat users as friends, who has a greater chance.

"post-90 s" Bao Ma is the anchor of shroud: shroud can be beautiful just like the dress of the deceased.

In recent years, more and more young people have begun to pay attention to and devote themselves to the funeral industry, injecting new vitality into this industry with their enthusiasm and wisdom. In Heze, Shandong Province, a post-90 s treasure mother chose to be the anchor of the shroud. Every night, this treasure mother introduced the shroud in the live broadcast room and tried it on and displayed it according to the audience’s requirements. Sometimes she needed to try on more than 40 pieces in one night.

In this treasure mother’s view, the shroud is like the dress of the deceased. It is a traditional custom to prepare the shroud for the deceased, but it is difficult to see the effect of wearing it when buying it offline or online, and now many people are not so shy about dying. Some even choose the shroud for themselves, so she moved the shroud to the live broadcast room.

Qi Jianyue reports from Heze, Shandong Province, Shuo Jinag

Five common health knowledge about women, please remember that you are healthier.

Gynecological diseases will not only make women feel annoyed and unwell, but also be very embarrassed. The patient’s unconsciousness affects the diagnosis result and the recovery of the disease at the same time. Women must understand the relevant gynecological common sense.

1, need to go to the hospital regularly for Pap smear examination.

Pap smear examination is to check cervical exfoliated cells. A small amount of exfoliated cells should be taken from the cervix of a woman, put on a medical glass, and then examined by a high-power microscope. Under normal circumstances, a physical examination should be done once a year, so that cervical cancer can be found in time.

2. Low sexual desire has nothing to do with hormones.

Women’s poor sexual desire generally has a lot to do with emotion and lifestyle. Especially after giving birth to a child, there will be full-hearted exhaustion, coupled with the disharmony between husband and wife and the lack of care from their husbands, which will make women feel cold.

3. Always observe vaginal secretions.

Vaginal secretions, also known as leucorrhea, can directly tell whether you are healthy or not. If you are infected with trichomonas or mold, it will make leucorrhea abnormal. When women suffer from bacterial or fungal vaginitis, the color, texture and smell of leucorrhea will change greatly.

4. Don’t be shy when doing gynecological examination.

Some women are embarrassed to go to the hospital for gynecological examination. In fact, gynecological examination is no different from examination of other body parts, so we must correct our good attitude. Patients should dispel unnecessary worries before receiving the examination, as long as there is no discomfort and pain, there is no need to worry too much. If there is embarrassment before receiving treatment, it may affect the diagnosis.

5, menstrual cycle changes don’t have to be too nervous.

Even if the body is in a healthy state, there may be menstrual cycle disorder. In fact, it is normal for menstruation to be delayed or one week in advance. Abdominal pain, organ and breast sensitivity during menstruation are normal phenomena, so don’t worry too much.


For women during pregnancy, try not to choose caesarean section easily, which will make the child born with poor resistance and immunity, and increase the possibility of complications. Female friends should master the correct contraceptive methods, reduce the number of induced abortions, and protect the ovaries and uterus.

What is a "moderate" exercise? We should grasp these points well.

Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention WeChat WeChat official account

Nowadays, exercise and fitness has become a healthy and fashionable lifestyle for many people. The data shows that the number of people who regularly participate in physical exercise in China exceeds 400 million, and it is increasing year by year.

Swimming, playing ball, brisk walking, jogging, cycling, etc. are the most popular aerobic exercise and the most common exercise, which can not only strengthen the body, but also burn fat. However, there are occasional reports of injuries caused by exercise. So, how can we do moderate exercise?

Usually, we should take into account the individual’s tolerance.

And physical condition.

From "exercise time", "exercise intensity" and "exercise mode"

Explain moderate exercise from three aspects.

Exercise time

Each exercise time can start from 10 minutes at first, and then it is better to reach about 1 hour step by step according to the incremental amount of 5 to 10 minutes, 5 days a week, at least 30 minutes a day.

Exercise intensity

Generally divided intoLow strength, medium strength, high strength.

Low-intensity subjective feeling is relaxed.The breathing frequency and depth fluctuate slightly, so you can communicate in language.

Moderate intensity subjective feeling is a little tiredBreathing frequency and depth are slightly rapid, which affects language communication.

High intensity subjective feeling is tired.Breathing deeply and frequently, unable to communicate in language.

Daily exercise isKeep a moderate intensity of exercise every day to sweat a little., can play the role of regulating breathing and enhancing cardiopulmonary function.

method of excercise

aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise, as the name implies,This kind of exercise needs oxygen to participate in energy supply, and aerobic metabolism is the main energy supply way.. Generally speaking, aerobic exercise requires the participation of large muscle groups such as trunk and limbs, which can be maintained in a stable state for a long time.

Aerobic exercise hasImprove cardiopulmonary function, lower blood pressure and blood sugar, improve blood lipid and endocrine system function, and reduce fat accumulation.The role of. Walking fast, running, cycling, skipping rope, swimming, etc. all belong to aerobic exercise.

Resistance movement

Resistance activities areThe repetitive movement of muscles against resistance is a strong contraction activity of muscles., can’t maintain a stable state, belongs to anaerobic exercise.

Resistance exercises canMaintain or enhance muscle strength, improve muscle function, and form mechanical stimulation to the skeletal system, which is beneficial to bone health.. Lifting dumbbells, push-ups and elastic belt exercises are all resistance activities.

Other types of physical activity

By extending, flexing and rotating the body or limbs, you canExercise the flexibility and flexibility of joints.. Stretching, yoga and other exercises can improve joint flexibility.

Combination activities to improve human balance and coordination, includingDoing exercises and dancing can improve athletic ability and prevent falls..

Whichever exercise mode you choose.

Must follow the principle of painless

Step by step, do what you can, and exercise moderately

Painless principle is king.

In exercise, as long as there are uncomfortable abnormal feelings, such as holding your breath, chest tightness, chest pain, dizziness, headache, dizziness, etc., it is necessary to reduce the amount of exercise or stop immediately, indicating that it is likely that the amount of exercise is too large.

The gradual principle of training intensity from easy to difficult and time from short to long.

Don’t do super sports on a whim.

After exerciseThe body has no adverse reaction, feels slightly tired and recovers quickly.Good mood and appetite, high sleep quality, feeling energetic after waking up, indicating that the intensity and amount of exercise are appropriate.

The principle of warm-up and stretching before and after exercise

Before exerciseBe sure to warm up first, feel your body warm up, and then slowly follow the action..

Mastering the correct posture is an important prerequisite for scientific exercise.

Pose correctly.Not easy to get hurtAnd it can better reflect the sports effect.

What to play on April Fool’s Day: Xiaobian has a rest, no one has a title, and I recommend 5 games to watch for myself.

"What to play on weekends" is a weekly game recommendation from touch music editors. Every weekend, we will recommend a new game of the week (occasionally there will be old games), which may be PC or console games or mobile games for your reference and choice; It may also be a collective evaluation of a popular or distinctive game, providing readers with multiple perspectives of a game.

When you stay in bed at the weekend and don’t decide what to do next, let’s see if there is anything you are interested in in our choices. Readers and developers are also welcome to seek reports from us.

Keywords: open world, national characteristics, fairy tale style

One word recommendation: Enjoy a childlike adventure on a tropical island.

Tchia is an open-world adventure game developed by Awaceb, an independent game studio in France. It has been put on PC and PS platforms on March 21st, and this game has been introduced many times before Touch Music. The founder of the studio is from New Caledonia, an overseas dependency of France in Oceania and a beautiful tropical archipelago. Many of the stories of Chia are inspired by local legends.

The protagonist is an aboriginal girl, Chia, who takes risks to save her father kidnapped by a mysterious person and travels almost everywhere in the archipelago. The open world experience of the game is relatively standard, but fortunately there is no full map question mark. There are bird’s-eye points everywhere on the map, and you can see the nearby points of interest through "shouting". Traveling along the coast, you can also see the port from time to time. It is not only a fast travel point, but also a rafting in the offshore.

No one can resist the tropical blue sea and blue sky.

Chia can explore a wide range of places, and the scenery styles are different.

Chia’s unique "soul jumping" ability enables her to possess animals and apply their special skills in a short time, which adds a lot of fun to the journey. Especially when the journey is far away, turning into a bird and running a deer can greatly shorten the walking time, and at night, you can get night vision through the eyes of cats. Beautiful scenery and harmonious neighborhood and animal relations make life on this island very dreamy and full of fairy tales.

On the whole, the fighting part of the game is not much, mainly jumping, flying, racing and other activities, and there are also many small games and competitive content scattered in the open world. The collections on the map often introduce some local cultures and legends to players. Totems that need to be carved by hand and ukuleles that need to be played by hand will also make the play process like a cultural journey.

Cultural experience is a very rich part of play.

The game screen style is bright and beautiful, and the music is also very amorous feelings, which is very suitable for casual players who like to watch the scenery. The only trouble is that the PC version of the game is currently exclusive to Epic, and the date of Steam’s shelf has not yet been determined.


Keywords: short story, psychology, pointing click

One word recommendation: when bad emotions invade reality.

Looking Up I See Only A Ceiling was put on the Steam platform on March 9. The game is about the fantasies of a girl who is tired of bad mood. This is a visual novel game with a process of less than an hour, and I can feel the developer’s strong desire to express himself behind it. The game gives me a strong impression: the developer doesn’t care whether the story itself is attractive or not, but whether her feelings can be conveyed, or whether it can resonate with players who are also tired of bad emotions. This kind of expression and resonance constitute the source power of developers’ creation.

I have this impression because the story structure of the game is relatively simple, and the final summary is slightly thin-this is what makes me dissatisfied with the game. In my opinion, the greatest advantage of the game comes from sincerity. Although the whole story is simple, the temperament of "I have really experienced it" from beginning to end must be able to impress some people.

Only you can help yourself out of bad mood.

Who hasn’t been breathless by a dead line?

By the way, the artistic style of the game is quite good, with a faint sense of melancholy, which fits the theme very well, and the heroine’s vertical painting is also great. It’s good to spare a little time to play this game on weekends-at least it’s better than brushing short videos.

The game currently sells for 11 yuan on Steam.

(The game experience code is provided by the publisher IndieArk. )


Keywords: adventure, exploration, fishing, suspense

A word of recommendation: explore the long-buried secrets in the deep sea.

DREDGE is a fishing adventure game with Cthulhu style. Players will drive fishing boats to the mysterious islands to fish, learn about the difficulties encountered in each area in the process of trading catches with local people, and equip your boat with better equipment with the exchanged money so that you can fish in the deep sea. But pay attention to the time, at night, there may be mysterious creatures hidden in the darkness …

Players will start from their new home "Marrows" in the remote islands, and gradually upgrade the engine of the ship, so that they can sail to neighboring areas. Each area has its own unique fish, villagers full of personality and secrets hidden in the depths. In the game, someone will invite you to go to the sea to salvage your old treasure, which will be an additional source of income. However, what kind of danger will be hidden behind it, and players need to explore it themselves.

Sail a fishing boat to the island

Deliver the fish on the order in exchange for payment.

The game has worked hard on inventory management and adopted a visual inventory system. The inventory we can see is the inventory of the whole ship, including the area where the engine, lighting equipment and fishing equipment are placed. Players must strike a balance between security and revenue.

The engine can make the ship sail faster, the ship lights can see farther at night, and the advanced fishing tackle can catch more advanced fish resources in exchange for payment. But correspondingly, there are more grids for placing hull equipment, and fewer grids for placing fish resources. If you reduce the equipment, you need to bear certain risks.

Inventory of the whole ship

The freedom of the game is very high, and the main line and branch line can be done as you like, and you can get mechanical parts for upgrading ships. In the game, night is the most critical, and it is also the time period when the mysterious atmosphere and horror elements are concentrated in the game. In the vast sea, only the lighthouse on the island and the floating belt around it have a glimmer of light. Be careful of the strange fishing boats that appear in the deep sea at night.

"Fishing Sail Surge" has landed on several major platforms and supports Chinese. Steam is sold in 110 yuan.


Keywords: puzzle solving, science fiction, plot

One word recommendation: the plot of the remaining products of solving puzzles.

"Abby" is a domestic puzzle game on the mobile side, and won the Best Local Independent Game Award in the App Store in 2017.

What attracted me to download at first was its barren and sci-fi worldview setting: two robots, Abby and Didi, searched for white birds and traces of human beings in deserted cities. This setting reminds me of the movie Robot Story.

The doomsday wasteland painting style of Abby is very distinctive.

The game is played by manipulating two robots, Abby and Didi, and Jamie, a scientist with only brains, to explore maps, complete small tasks and solve puzzles step by step. Developers are friendly in the game system to give clues to solve puzzles, with the raiders, customs clearance is not difficult. The note on the map, the deserted city, the virtual projection of the big city and the monologue of the robot NPC "They don’t need me" suggest that the human beings in this world may have died, and Jamie in the form of robot is likely to be the last human being in the world.

Zach, who wrote the letter, didn’t come back

If we continue to dig deep into this virtual reality and the setting of a brain in a jar, it is possible to make a plot-oriented game like Thirteen Soldiers’ Defense Circle, but the developer of Abby hides the plot under props, screen background and dialogue, and the main line of the game is still to operate robots to solve puzzles. I can understand that this game is designed to play like this because of the limited volume of the game, but the story of NPC, the reason for the disappearance of human beings, Jamie’s future, etc., obviously can continue to talk, but they come to an abrupt end, which always makes me feel that the game is not over.

"Abby" has a double ending design. Comparatively speaking, I prefer the second one. Because there are companions, even if the journey is difficult, it is not lonely. Moreover, Jamie is very weak after returning to human form, and I am worried about whether he can survive in a decaying city without animals and plants.

The game is sold in 6 yuan on the App Store, and it takes about 3 hours to clear customs. Although it’s 2D, there are various ways of interaction, which, in the words of the developer, means "balancing between art and technology". The process of solving puzzles is also very interesting, which requires players to consider the size of two robots and complete various operations.

The game was released in 2016 and the DLC was completed in December 2022, so now is a good time to experience the whole body. Interested players should not miss it.

Keywords: visual novel, plot

One word recommendation: the long dream will come to an end.

Lao Han ran all his life in the mountains of western Hunan.

In order to deliver letters, he walked through the paths between fields, waded through muddy mountain roads and climbed the steepest fall in Ma Po. He never thought that he would be unable to walk one day, and he would be chained to this white building called "Mental Health Center". Who is this middle-aged woman who calls herself "Dad"? Why did the young man in his thirties say he was his grandson? Where did your old parcel go? Lao Han doesn’t understand. Lao Han can’t sit still. He has to go out to deliver letters. Without him, who should take the letters from those villages?

Also, where did his lover, Qi Mei, go?

His seventh sister and the peach tree in his dream

Long Dream tells the story of an old man suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. If you have played Bad Kids, also produced by Wild Monkey Studio, you should be familiar with the characters in Long Dream: Wang Han, the grandson of the protagonist Lao Han, is the protagonist of Bad Kids. More than ten years after the story of "Bad Kids" ended, Wang Han stepped into the team of "Ben Si" from an ignorant pupil. Wang Han, a 30-year-old mother, Han Kangmei, who is nearly 60 years old, and Lao Han, who is close to 90 years old, gathered in the hospital because of Lao Han’s illness, which inevitably produced various contradictions, conflicts and misunderstandings.

Compared with Bad Children, which is mainly from the perspective of Wang Han, Long Dream has made great progress in expression, narrative technique and performance. The player’s perspective is constantly switching between Wang Han and his grandfather Lao Han. From Wang Han’s perspective, you can see the mental health center. With the help of Lao Han’s perspective, you can understand his past in Lao Han’s memories. In the course of his story, Wang Han and Han Kangmei will also appear in these old scenes in an interesting way to evaluate Lao Han’s memories.

Wang Han and Han Kangmei "hidden" in the electric meter

The story of "Long Dream" also tells the misunderstanding between three generations and their respective difficulties: the contradiction between Han Kangmei and his father Lao Han, Wang Han’s nostalgia for his grandfather Lao Han, and the incomprehension between Wang Han and his mother Han Kangmei. If "Bad Kids" is composed of memories of the 1990s, "Long Dreams" adds more dilemmas faced by contemporary people. When mother Han Kangmei smoked a cigarette and asked Wang Han, "What if I am like your grandfather when I am old …", the unfinished half sentence eventually drifted away in the smoke.

Lao Han and Han’s Anti-American Past

At present, a free trial version of the game has been released, which lasts about 1 hour. The full version will be officially launched on April 11th.


Does swimming bring physical injury? Keep these precautions in mind.

As we all know, swimming is an exercise beneficial to physical and mental health, which has a great effect on our health. But before doing any exercise, we should fully understand the precautions for doing it, otherwise the benefits brought by doing exercise will only become the cause of damage to our health.

First, the swimming time should not be too long. If the swimming time is too long, our body’s heat will be slowly consumed, and the body’s thermoregulation function will slowly fail to play a role, which leads to the blood vessels in the skin expanding with heat and contracting with cold, the venules opening for no reason, and the blood circulation system becoming slow or even stopped.

Don’t underestimate these invisible changes, which will lead to blue skin and many small pimples, black and purple lips, and even more serious people will have severe spasms and cramps. In this case, the body will become very weak, so it will be easy to get sick, such as catching a cold, coughing or even having a fever.

Second, pay attention to the way of swimming. Snorkeling is a swimming style that many people are keen on. However, this method requires high swimming skills and physical fitness. Without solid skills and excellent physical conditions, diving is risky to a certain extent, which will bring harm to the body and even threaten life safety.

Because we need to hold our breath for a long time when diving, there will be short-term ischemia and hypoxia in the skull during this process. In this case, if the physical fitness is poor, it will easily lead to the attack of acute cardiovascular disease, which brings many risks.

Finally, pay attention to the swimming posture. Because in swimming, there will be a lot of shoulder movements. If the swimming posture is not standard, the muscles of the shoulder joint will always use the same movement or use one place to exert their strength. This long-term repeated exertion will cause damage to the muscles of the shoulder joint. For example, many people will have fatigue injuries to their shoulders after swimming, and in severe cases, they will pull their shoulders to their backs and arms.

Therefore, when swimming, we should pay attention to these in order to enjoy the benefits brought by swimming! # Breeze Project # # Medical Union Media Super Group #

2023 FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University won the women’s football championship.

The women’s football team of Beijing Normal University won the women’s team championship of the 2023 FISU Football World Cup. Photo courtesy of Propaganda Department of Jinjiang Municipal Committee

On October 31st, 2023, the battle for the women’s championship of the FISU Football World Cup was held in Jinjiang Football Training Center, Fujian Province. The women’s football team of Beijing Normal University (in blue) played against the women’s football team of paulista University in Brazil. The two sides fought fiercely for 120 minutes and drew 2-2. Finally, Beijing Normal University defeated its rival paulista University in Brazil with a total score of 7-6 to win the championship.

The women’s football team of Beijing Normal University (in blue) and the women’s football team of paulista University in Brazil are in the competition. Photo courtesy of Propaganda Department of Jinjiang Municipal Committee

Beijing normal university women’s football team celebrates victory. Photo courtesy of Propaganda Department of Jinjiang Municipal Committee

The women’s football team of Beijing Normal University (in blue) and the women’s football team of paulista University in Brazil are in the competition. Photo courtesy of Propaganda Department of Jinjiang Municipal Committee

Beijing normal university women’s football team celebrates winning the championship. Photo courtesy of Propaganda Department of Jinjiang Municipal Committee

The Nuggets and Kings are about to be completed, and Fox and Murray are swapped to help Mr. Joo hit the second championship.

According to American media reports, several NBA experts suggested that the Kings and Nuggets reach an agreement, and Fox and Jamal Murray should be exchanged.

For the Nuggets:

In 2023, the Nuggets broke the championship drought. Denver Nuggets didn’t win the championship for 76 years since they joined the NBA in 1976. In 2023, they finally won the championship. In the NBA finals of the 2022-23 season, the Nuggets won the NBA championship this season with a series score of 4-1.

In the semi-final of the Western Conference, the Nuggets played against the Lakers, and Murray played well and was in a hot state. No one could stop him. Sweep the Lakers 4-0.

Nuggets get Fox’s benefits:

(1) reduce the risk of injury, which can ensure the record of Nuggets.

(2) Fox has better physical fitness, and it can erase more different sparks with the appointment of teachers.

Fox has made progress in both the middle distance and the three points this season. Fox is still very young and has more room for improvement.

(4) Fox’s next fast break, Jokic’s ghost hand pass, think about the scene is terrible.

For the king:

Although Fox led Kings into the playoffs this season, he still failed to sell Warriors.

The king benefited from Murray:

① Having playoff experience and being able to take King further.

(2) Murray is also a killer, big heart, the courage to take responsibility.

③ The passing and pick-and-roll effect will be better, and the hand feeling technology will be more exquisite.

4 Murray+Sabonis may have a better combination of inside and outside lines, leading the Kings to break through the semi-finals in the new season.

Summary: From the data comparison of the two, Murray is not as good as Fox, but from the record comparison, Murray is better. Mr. Sabonis and Mr. Joo are the top insiders in the league, and both of them are Europeans. Therefore, they need a team defender to assist them. The transaction value of the two is completely matched, and the contract has not expired. Therefore, the exchange is completely feasible.

The style of Atletico Madrid is cautious, and Barcelona’s self-confidence is frustrated?

Atletico Madrid has remained unbeaten for 15 consecutive games in the league, and recently won 6 consecutive victories. They have been playing football at their own pace, even in the face of weak teams, and they will not attack at random. The team is very cautious in every attack choice, so when they confront Atletico Madrid, their opponents will not have too many opportunities to fight back. Although Atletico Madrid is still ranked third in the standings, they are 12 points ahead of real betis, the fifth place, and have basically locked in a Champions League qualification.